Davids piggie run diary

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That looks fantastic and has given me lots of ideas for when we get ours as we will be keeping them outside. It's nice to see a Natural set up if that makes sense as many people on here have them indoors I was beginning to think I was being Cruella De Ville for keeping mine outside! But sadly with 2 dogs and a toddler and a 3 up and 2 down house there is no room at the Inn!
Are you going to put them inside a shed etc in winter or is this set up for all year round? I think its brill well done! Where did you get your hutch from? Presumably you cut a hole in the side to access the run? Or is it closeable?

Yes. I have cut a hole in the side of the hutch. There is a lockable door on the hole and they piggies will be sent indoors at night. They can also be locked out when its hutch cleaning time :)

I am hoping that they will be fine outdoors all year round. Except if the winder is especially bad of course. Apart from the hutch being a very sheltered spot, so the worst of rain and wind etc will be kept away. I am planning to use a hutch hugger combined with tons of bedding etc inside.

From what I have learned, big temperature changes, damp and wind are the main problems, rather than the cold itself, which the piggies can handle if plenty of the above is protection is provided. Bringing them in and out can do more harm than good since they never become fully accustomed to any one environment.

Therefore I would prefer to keep them outdoors in a secure environment with careful protection from the elements, plenty of good shelter and warm bedding.
Sorry just read your first point and saw where you got your hutch from-but I see you have added a ramp inside too? And then one outside. I do like the idea of an attached run like that and having the seed trays too. Although was wondering how using the trays works? Won't they get through it quite quickly?

Yes, I added a ramp inside. I thought it would be easy. It wasn't!

Well, we shall see as far as the seed trays go. I am only getting two piggies and everything in the trays is very fast growing and only intended to supplement their diet. So I think there should be enough. If not, I guess I plant more trays!
Well I think it looks great and will watch eagerly your posts on getting your Guineas!
A quick update.

The food trays are growing like crazy, well, four are and one has some catching up to do, its the dandelion one though and we have plenty of those in any case! I am going to plant an extra couple of trays of the fastest growing stuff (another mixed grass and another mixed everything one)

The piggies will be moving in on the 24th of June. They are reserved by Becky at becklan rescue who has found us three of the prettiest piggies I have ever seen.

None of the poisonous plants regrew through the cracks in the flags, just dandelions and some grass. So thats looking fine. I doubt they will be growing for long when the piggies arrive though. Fresh dandelions are going to be a great treat to help them settle in.

I'm so excited. Obviously pictures will be posted when they have arrived!
Velvet and Onyx have volunteered to come over and test the hutch, the run and the veggies ;) drooldrooldrool
i'm having a hard time explaining why they will not be getting anything as neat as this!

WELL DONE xxxxxxxxxxxx
This is so good! It's so close to what their natural environment would be like, definitely very inspiring. The 'rock climbing' on the shelter will keep their little toes nicely filed down too. The design looks flawless, and I'll definitely be using your building tips for when I can build my own outdoor run. Your guineas will love it, I can't wait to see pics/video of them exploring in there! :)
This is so good! It's so close to what their natural environment would be like, definitely very inspiring. The 'rock climbing' on the shelter will keep their little toes nicely filed down too. The design looks flawless, and I'll definitely be using your building tips for when I can build my own outdoor run. Your guineas will love it, I can't wait to see pics/video of them exploring in there! :)

Let me know if you need any advice when you are building. I found and solved quite a few problems while building and also came up with a few ideas that would have made things much easier if I had thought of them beforehand. Putting on the side mesh in pieces as described in an earlier post being a big one, that would have saved several hours and a lot of little cuts!
Hi David, speak to Niki (that's also her user name) she's got a great setup re her outside hutches that are in a shed -c
I'm pretty sure she's got a thread in housing but if not give her a pm, she's great with info :)
I just wanted to let everyone know that the run finally houses piggies :)

They only arrived today so I won't harrass them with photos until they have settled. Maybe tomorrow.
What a fantastic set up and well done you for doing your research and getting everything ready before your piggies arrived.:)
Hi everyone.

Please enjoy the pictures below. More will be posted in a day or two, just got some quick photos without disturbing them too much.

To be honest I am not sure if they are settling in fast or not. For the first day they ran around the run, popcorning all over the place. Since then they seem to rarely use the run and spend most of their time hiding in a corner of the hutch. They seem a bit scared in their new home :( Hopefully they will come out of their shells more as time goes on.

I am going to have to get some advice as to how often to pick them up, harrass them in general. I obviously want them to be as comfortable and happy as they can be.

Anyway, for now, here's some pictures.

Awww they are gorgeous piggies! x) I absolutely love their set up! I wish my 2 could have as much space as yours do. :( It's so lovely to see such lucky guinea pigs. :) I love the run and it is a great idea to have a hide and platform! I might try and make one of those for my girls! :(|) Great job, you are a fantastic guinea pig owner! :(|)
Thanks :) I am sure that I am worrying too much. Just want them to be happy!

Forgot to tell you their names.

Mummy was called Duffy when she came to us, the babies were nameless.

Sorry Becky and Jane, we just couldn't get on with the name Duffy. She is now called Milly. Close enough that the sound will still work if she was starting to get used to Duffy.

The other two are Peanut and Poppy, Peanut is the one with the white stripe down her face.
OMG they are just beautiful. Really really lovely.

CONGRATS on your trio! Great home for them too by the way.

They're sooooooo pretty. drool

Looks like the rocks have been a real success already and the stuff growing in the trays looks pretty lush too. :)
Yeah, the slate hidey has definatly proved popular for sure!

The plants grew pretty quickly. Can't believe how much of it they have eaten already though. Think I need another 5 trays :)
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