Danielle's guinea pigs

Things have been a bit up and down since I was here last. Gizmo's "URI" turned out to be a lovely abscess!


Gizmo managed a lance, drain, and marsupialisation all only with local anaesthetic! Such a brave lad. Unfortunately Marbocyl didn't touch the infection, and Baytril isn't either (we had it cultured and it is sensitive to the latter). He really wasn't enjoying twice-daily saline flushes... We swapped to TriChlor scrubs pretty quickly.


Then his eye decided to have really swollen conjunctiva. He's currently on eyedrops for this, but again (like the oral antibiotic) it doesn't seem to be doing much. He's still got pus coming from his eye, nose, and wound at times.


So, today I completely rearranged the pigroom so I could do what I should have done a long time ago... Have a guinea pig wellness-check/medication/feeding table. Sigh.


Sadly Gizmo has lost his appetite today so instead of critical care top-ups, we are going to have to step in with syringe feeding proper. I wish Maple could lend Gizmo some of her chunk. She's got a built in pillow for goodness' sake :drool:

Poor Gizmo. He looks very fed up. Bless him. I hope the antibiotics start to kick in soon. I had a piggy with a tooth root abscess resentful. Zithromax was a good antibiotic after Baytril didn’t do anything. Good luck.
Sadly Gizmo passed away, he ended up aspirating the flushes through a fistula that formed between his abscess and septum and got a raging URI on top of everything. I am so lucky in that I was able to bond Steve with Maple, a spayed female. They just about tolerate each other, hence why this photo is Steve chilling on the cuddle bed on the lower right with Maple at the other end of the cage!


In happier news, yesterday was piggy salon and Quint and Tamika were furious that they required a drastic butt cut due to old-age related self-neglect. They will be writing to GPU about their lack of autonomy.


However, I think a tidy-up has made them super photogenic!

I’m so sorry you lost Gizmo. Popcorn high over the bridge. Take care ❤️
I'm so sorry that you lost Gizmo :hug:

Quint and Tamika are beautiful little floofballs! 🥰
As the piggies are getting older, they love their comforts. Steve in particular seeks out patches of sunshine.AF65564E-932C-4FB0-8F26-77798096C42D.webp

Maggie on guard as ever.

Maple horrified that I don’t offer “breakfast in bed” peaflake delivery service.

Poor baldy-bum Tamika proving that she can do as good as croissant impression as any other piggy.

I have a really soft spot for Quint, even though he’s a fraidy pig.

“Did I miss anything!?”

Just like his wonderful mum Tablet, he absolutely loves getting his chin rubbed! Also wonky teefies due to root damage. Doesn’t bother him one bit, bless.
So so sorry you lost little Gizmo, I must have missed your post x

Beautiful photos of your piggies and love their set ups
Sorry it's been a while, I get so overwhelmed by placement that all I can manage is eating and sleeping! Things are mostly the same here, though the heat is starting to get a little warm for the pig's tastes. Ice-blocks and the industrial fan are all I can offer at the moment, poor loves.

Steve is his usual chilled-out self. Maple of course nowhere to be seen because she doesn't like the pigarazzi and who can blame her?


Team Floof are still piggling on, though Quint's tooth is wonkier then ever and we discovered on Friday Maggie has a very large ovarian cyst. She's 7 and a little frail so we are trying the injection first as we sadly had a failed spay with Toffee and I'm reluctant to go through that heartbreak again. Tamika and Quint now have their summer buzzcuts but they are embarrassed at their nakedness so asked me not to show :drool:




Finally, Tamika has been a little withdrawn over the past couple days, hiding in a snuggle sack. I thought the heat was getting to her, but no -- a massive hay seed stuck right under her eyelid! Thankfully I had some sterile saline on hand and was able to irrigate enough to gently tease it out. Very glad we had a vet visit booked this afternoon, her poor eye must be very sore. Metacam offered and gobbled up like the little addict she is -- washed down with some lovely Emeraid. Her appetite isnt impacted in the least!

Lovely to hear your piggies are doing ok. They are all gorgeous 😍
What a lovely bunch of piggies you have 😍 Hope Tamika’s eye heals well 🤞