Things have been a bit up and down since I was here last. Gizmo's "URI" turned out to be a lovely abscess!
Gizmo managed a lance, drain, and marsupialisation all only with local anaesthetic! Such a brave lad. Unfortunately Marbocyl didn't touch the infection, and Baytril isn't either (we had it cultured and it is sensitive to the latter). He really wasn't enjoying twice-daily saline flushes... We swapped to TriChlor scrubs pretty quickly.
Then his eye decided to have really swollen conjunctiva. He's currently on eyedrops for this, but again (like the oral antibiotic) it doesn't seem to be doing much. He's still got pus coming from his eye, nose, and wound at times.
So, today I completely rearranged the pigroom so I could do what I should have done a long time ago... Have a guinea pig wellness-check/medication/feeding table. Sigh.
Sadly Gizmo has lost his appetite today so instead of critical care top-ups, we are going to have to step in with syringe feeding proper. I wish Maple could lend Gizmo some of her chunk. She's got a built in pillow for goodness' sake