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Daisy's Abscess - An Update.*graphic Photo *

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Okay so Daisy has a micro abscess, slightly different to the abscess that she had before and he said it's quite rare. It's to do with her tooth root and that there's some kind of tube thing growing out of her tooth root. He said that it's not really a good thing that it's in her tooth root as they are difficult to treat. He has popped it for me and I have to keep it open and clean as we did before. Have to only give her Zithromax once a day now and give Septrin twice a day. We have to go back in a weeks time. I really don't know what the prognosis is but right now it's not looking good that she keeps getting these abscesses.
Really sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed she will do okay bless her, she's not having much luck recently! :(
Thanks Ayemee. She really isn't, it's so unfair :( it's one thing after another. I thought we had got through it :( x
Thanks Ayemee. She really isn't, it's so unfair :( it's one thing after another. I thought we had got through it :( x

I know bless her :( and you! I bet you're exhausted. At least she has a lot of trust in you. You know you're doing everything in your power to help her.

How old is she? (Sorry if you've already said) X
I know bless her :( and you! I bet you're exhausted. At least she has a lot of trust in you. You know you're doing everything in your power to help her.

How old is she? (Sorry if you've already said) X
Thanks, It is very draining emotionally :( I only had a couple of months break from having poorly pets. It seems to be one thing after another, it has really put me off having pets after these ones go. I seem to be just doomed for bad luck.

She is only 3, she will be 4 this December, which is far too young in my opinion to be facing this. I know it can happen at any age but as this is an incurable condition, it will now mean that her life will be shortened and the thought of that breaks my heart. I wanted her to grow old and to live to 6-8 years but it is not looking like she will :( I know it is quality of life over quantity and that they live in the here and now. But still.. x
Thanks, It is very draining emotionally :( I only had a couple of months break from having poorly pets. It seems to be one thing after another, it has really put me off having pets after these ones go. I seem to be just doomed for bad luck.

She is only 3, she will be 4 this December, which is far too young in my opinion to be facing this. I know it can happen at any age but as this is an incurable condition, it will now mean that her life will be shortened and the thought of that breaks my heart. I wanted her to grow old and to live to 6-8 years but it is not looking like she will :( I know it is quality of life over quantity and that they live in the here and now. But still.. x

I bet it is. I went through a similar phase. I lost two of my guinea pigs really close to one another when they both seemed extremely fit and well. It made me feel like a bad owner that I never noticed anything, but looking back I don't think I ever could of. After losing my last guinea pig in August 2014 I was heartbroken and didn't have any pigs for two months. But you soon realise that life without them isn't the same.

You're providing such good care for Daisy. You're extremely right. Quality over quantity, but I know what you mean, it's very hard being faced with that.

Let's hope Daisy keeps fighting. She's been a brave little trooper so far. xx
I'm unsure if or not this is relevant it depends what tooth is causing the problem. When Fred had his jaw abscess my vet had to remove his incisor as there was a gap between the abscess and jaw which was causing the infection. My Fred's incisor was removed by the root so has never returned. We're a few years on now and he remains very healthy.

I do hope Daisy has a similar outcome, your doing a great job.
I know how draining it is emotionally and physically when caring for a sick guinea pig. But just remember Daisy is reliant on you. You have done so much for her already. Try not to get too despondent. You got Daisy to love and care for. She continues to need that commitment which you know you can provide. I am by no means an expert but I rely on vet's advice and that of this forum for support. There is a strong band of people on here who have a great experience of the practicalities of caring for a sick guinea pig. I hope this reads how I want it to read. Just trying to support you when you have had a set back with little Daisy.
I'm so sorry that you are facing this. I know what it is like to have one poorly animal after another. You start to worry that you are doing things wrong. I have lost two guinea pigs and my beloved horse in the last 3 months. It is almost unbearable, but you are doing everything right, it is just horrible bad luck. You must be exhausted.
Daisy is such a sweetie. this is a really good informative video of the treatment required. I like the way you break the process up with carrot breaks. Daisy obviously has a great deal of trust in you.
When you say she is now on Zithromax just once a day, does this mean she is getting half the amount or the full amount in just one hit? Simon has always prescribed Zithromax as a once a day med. I am just a bit anxious that the amount may have been halved. By the way, you are doing a great job. x
When you say she is now on Zithromax just once a day, does this mean she is getting half the amount or the full amount in just one hit? Simon has always prescribed Zithromax as a once a day med. I am just a bit anxious that the amount may have been halved. By the way, you are doing a great job. x
She's getting 0.4ml of Zithromax once a day. Plus 0.5ml of Septrin twice a day. John mentioned something about it not being necessary or good to give it twice a day for a long period. Hence why we now only have to give it once a day. x
Daisy is such a sweetie. this is a really good informative video of the treatment required. I like the way you break the process up with carrot breaks. Daisy obviously has a great deal of trust in you.
Thank you Val. She's such a good girl and very tolerant of the hands on care! We are lucky in a way that she's so accepting of being prodded about! I think she knows that she's being helped!
She's getting 0.4ml of Zithromax once a day. Plus 0.5ml of Septrin twice a day. John mentioned something about it not being necessary or good to give it twice a day for a long period. Hence why we now only have to give it once a day. x
Simon has only ever done once a day but doses at a ml per kilo, so would be dosing at a much higher dose. x
Thank you for posting the video. It is really helpful watching other forum members caring for their guinea pigs.

You clearly love her very much and you are looking after her so well.
Hi, did you go to the vet? What did they say? My little piggy has now got an abscess deep in her abdomen which I am hoping I will be able to deal with as well as you have.

How did you get rid of the stuff from inside the abscess when you were cleaning her? I just want to do a good job.
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Thanks for sharing the video - what a model patient! My Rebel enjoyed taking his meds when he had an abscess. ;)
Hi, did you go to the vet? What did they say? My little piggy has now got an abscess deep in her abdomen which I am hoping I will be able to deal with as well as you have.

How did you get rid of the stuff from inside the abscess when you were cleaning her? I just want to do a good job.
Hi, yes we did go to the vets. I am sorry that your piggy has an abscess, they really are nasty :( I don't have much experience but I am sending vibes to your little one. I really hope that she gets through her abscess.

I am going to tag @furryfriends Excellent Adventure Sanctuary and @Pebble as they have a lot of experience in this area and I'm sure they'd be happy to advise you. Good luck x
Thanks for sharing the video - what a model patient! My Rebel enjoyed taking his meds when he had an abscess. ;)

She's a good girl! Although she loathes Septrin and Zithromax hence why this part wasn't filmed! Luckily all my animals seem to love metacam! ;)
Rebel loved Septrin and would sit with his mouth open as soon as he saw me take the lid of the bottle and get the syringe ready! :))
Rebel loved Septrin and would sit with his mouth open as soon as he saw me take the lid of the bottle and get the syringe ready! :))

Funny you say that! Gino and Little pig my two boys too loved Septrin! Little pig would literally swallow the syringe :P
What a good patient! That takes me back.... abscesses suck! Get well, Daisy!

Just to add... I'm sorry that you are dealing with a recurrence again. If it's any consolation, it took Sudae's abscess MONTHS to clear completely, no exaggeration. However, once she was able to eat normally, it really didn't seem to bother her at all. It's just that the cleaning/aftercare is time-consuming and difficult to manage. However, it did eventually heal and she came through okay. Hang in there... you're doing a great job!
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