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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
Just at the vets today and Penelope has been having some reoccurring bladder issues. She just had a bout of sludge with an uti and having pain while pooping/peeing. I'm sure from the inflammation from the uti/sludge.

The vet seen a bit of arthritis in her hips/back. I’m wanting to get her started on glucosamine. She takes the oxbow joint & urinary supplements that has glucosamine in it but I don’t think it does too much.

The vet wrote me a note that says “glucosamine Chondroitin, 7-9mg every 24 to 48 hours.” Everything I’ve seen, people are they saying they give cystease. What does everyone use? I figured this is going to help with arthritis and bladder issues going forward.
Just at the vets today and Penelope has been having some reoccurring bladder issues. She just had a bout of sludge with an uti and having pain while pooping/peeing. I'm sure from the inflammation from the uti/sludge.

The vet seen a bit of arthritis in her hips/back. I’m wanting to get her started on glucosamine. She takes the oxbow joint & urinary supplements that has glucosamine in it but I don’t think it does too much.

The vet wrote me a note that says “glucosamine Chondroitin, 7-9mg every 24 to 48 hours.” Everything I’ve seen, people are they saying they give cystease. What does everyone use? I figured this is going to help with arthritis and bladder issues going forward.


If your piggy has both arthritis (joint) and urinary tract (sterile cystitis or bladder) problems, which all profit from glucosamine supplements (which vets don't prescribe since they are classed as food supplements) for the UK, we recommend either Johnson's 4joints liquid for dogs (widely available online and in pet shops; 0.4 ml for a 1 kg piggy once daily, adjust dosage to the weight) for the arthritis side or Feliway cat cystease capsules (mix the contents with 1 capsule with 2 ml of water and either give it all once daily or 1 ml twice daily).
Personally, I would opt for the product that works out cheaper for the longer term. The glucosamine will take a few weeks to build up to full efficiency in both the walls of the urinary tract and coating bare bone joints. It is not an instant fix but it can make a real difference in terms of comfort.

Oxbow joint and urinary supplements are lower dosed and may not be as effective.
We moved our Hamish(RB) from the oxbow support supplement onto 4joints, it was so much easier. He would happily take it & seemed more comfortable over time.
He had pain at the base of his spine & possible arthritis.
Hamish was also on long term Metacam.

Our Billy(RB) had ( vet recommended ) cystease during treatment for bladder stones, he was happy to have it sprinkled on cucumber.

For ease of administration I would recommend the Johnson’s 4joints.

I hope Penelope feels comfier soon.
Most piggies will happily take the 4 joints. Sir George comes running to the front of the cage to get it.
I would also recommend Johnsons 4joints, it does wonders for my 2 arthritic boars, you can get it on line. The 4joints is better for arthritis because it contains Chrondroitin as well as Glucosamine.

The 4joints to get is the extra strength dog liquid one.
I would also recommend Johnsons 4joints, it does wonders for my 2 arthritic boars, you can get it on line. The 4joints is better for arthritis because it contains Chrondroitin as well as Glucosamine.

The 4joints to get is the extra strength dog liquid one.
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Thank you!
Do you know if this would also help her bladder issues? Both the 4joints and cystease have glucosamine in it but not sure if one is technically better than the other for certain issues.
Thank you!
Do you know if this would also help her bladder issues? Both the 4joints and cystease have glucosamine in it but not sure if one is technically better than the other for certain issues.


As I have stated in my own post above (which contains the same recommendations), it works for both issues.

Just because glucosamine is sold for a particular aspect, it doesn't mean that it is not also building up in the other usual spots as well. It simply continues doing its several normal jobs in a body - by the way, it also does the same in your own body, too. And any correspondent human products will very much feature the same ingredients when you look at correspondent human tablets etc.

You can actually use human tablets as well; only you have to compute the appropriate dosage, cut and grind the tablets and then make up with a multiple of millilitres of water so you get the correct concentration. The tablets are usually not flavoured, so they so the resulting solution doesn't taste nice and is not as easy to get into a piggy. But it is in fact the cheapest option.

Our own recommendations factor in how easy to make up and get into a piggy.

As I have stated in my own post above (which contains the same recommendations), it works for both issues.

Just because glucosamine is sold for a particular aspect, it doesn't mean that it is not also building up in the other usual spots as well. It simply continues doing its several normal jobs in a body - by the way, it also does the same in your own body, too. And any correspondent human products will very much feature the same ingredients when you look at correspondent human tablets etc.

You can actually use human tablets as well; only you have to compute the appropriate dosage, cut and grind the tablets and then make up with a multiple of millilitres of water so you get the correct concentration. The tablets are usually not flavoured, so they so the resulting solution doesn't taste nice and is not as easy to get into a piggy. But it is in fact the cheapest option.

Our own recommendations factor in how easy to make up and get into a piggy.
Hi, Wiebke. Thank you!

I am based in the United States. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get the Johnson 4joints but I’ve had no luck with finding someone would ship it to me.

I’ve looked online but there are so many different ones from vegan, to cat and dog ones. There were a few that I seen for cats but some of the ingredients in them.. I’m not too sure about. It’s frustrating because I think the 4Joints one would be the easiest to administer and knowing it’s safe.
I used to use the 4joints liquid but swapped to ArthriAid on the advice of an exotics specialist. 0.25ml twice a day, this has a lot more glucosamine etc in than other supplements. I'm not sure if you would have a similar product in the US though.
Hi, Wiebke. Thank you!

I am based in the United States. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get the Johnson 4joints but I’ve had no luck with finding someone would ship it to me.

I’ve looked online but there are so many different ones from vegan, to cat and dog ones. There were a few that I seen for cats but some of the ingredients in them.. I’m not too sure about. It’s frustrating because I think the 4Joints one would be the easiest to administer and knowing it’s safe.

Can you look at the ingredients and choose the US product that comes closest? It is always a bit of a challenge to find a comparable brand.
Can you look at the ingredients and choose the US product that comes closest? It is always a bit of a challenge to find a comparable brand.
I have been trying to do that but it seems that all the ones I’m finding has over 1000mg’s of glucosamine and a few hundred mg’s of chondroitin. Compared the 4joints, that only has 200mg of glucosamine and 75mg’s of chondroitin per 5ml.

My vet said the oxbow glucosamine is vegetable based so maybe I should be looking for a vegetarian one? I think they only make the vegetarian ones for people. I really am not sure.
The smallest amount of glucosamine I’ve found is 500mg for one capsule. I’m not sure how much pigs usually get but from I seen, I thought less than that.
I have found this one that would be 500mg of glucosamine and I could quarter it so it would be 125mg.

I am not sure how safe the other ingredients listed are. It also doesn’t have the chondroitin in it that I think is necessary for arthritis?


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The smallest amount of glucosamine I’ve found is 500mg for one capsule. I’m not sure how much pigs usually get but from I seen, I thought less than that.


500mg makes about 3 days' worth although I would only give two if you dissolve the whole powdered tablet in an amount of water that is divisible by 3 (either 3 or 6 ml, depending on whether you give it once or twice daily). Cutting a tablet in 3 equal parts is a bit tricky.

PS: Cystease is about 150 mg so you are between that and 4joints dosage-wise. ;)
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500mg makes about 3 days' worth although I would only give two if you dissolve the whole powdered tablet in an amount of water that is divisible by 3 (either 3 or 6 ml, depending on whether you give it once or twice daily). Cutting a tablet in 3 equal parts is a bit tricky.

PS: Cystease is about 150 mg so you are between that and 4joints dosage-wise. ;)
I would like to find a tablet that is around 150 mg but the lowest I’ve found is 500mg. Penelope’s only 660ish grams so she’s a really small girl
I would like to find a tablet that is around 150 mg but the lowest I’ve found is 500mg. Penelope’s only 660ish grams so she’s a really small girl

Finding small tablets may not be possible. I had to make do with the large ones once over the years.
Finding small tablets may not be possible. I had to make do with the large ones once over the years.
I thought I was going to be able to get the Cystease here since it was on Amazon but I unfortunately can’t.

Would the one I attached above work? You mentioned it was 3 days worth. It would be nice to find one that is the right mg.

Sorry lol. This stuff really confuses me and the correct dosage. I don’t want to give her too much and I want to make sure the mg is right.
I have found this one that would be 500mg of glucosamine and I could quarter it so it would be 125mg.

I am not sure how safe the other ingredients listed are. It also doesn’t have the chondroitin in it that I think is necessary for arthritis?


It would work. Please be aware that it is the calcium in the shell of the shellfish that is used as the carrier product for the active ingredient, and that - like cystease for instance - the product used doesn't contain any meaty bits. Just to clarify.

It would work. Please be aware that it is the calcium in the shell of the shellfish that is used as the carrier product for the active ingredient, and that - like cystease for instance - the product used doesn't contain any meaty bits. Just to clarify.

The one I attached was vegan. I’m not quite sure if one is necessarily better than the other though

The one I attached was vegan. I’m not quite sure if one is necessarily better than the other though

Absorption is generally a bit better with the non-vegan variety but there is not a lot in it and I would not worry.
I did find a cat glucosamine supplement. I’ve emailed the vet to see what they say about this particular one. I thought about the human one but like it’s been mentioned, I’m sure the taste is terrible

I did try and find a liquid but they all had quite a lot of inactive ingredients/and or the mg was insanely high.


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Sorry to keep coming back & posting more lol but I did find this liquid. The inactive ingredients don’t seem as bad as some of the others.

Compared to the 4joints though, this is one seems to be way stronger. Having 500mg of glucosamine per 5ml compared to the 4joints that has 200mg per 5ml.


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Sorry to keep coming back & posting more lol but I did find this liquid. The inactive ingredients don’t seem as bad as some of the others.

Compared to the 4joints though, this is one seems to be way stronger. Having 500mg of glucosamine per 5ml compared to the 4joints that has 200mg per 5ml.

Then you just give 0.2 ml per 1 kg piggy per day and adjust the amount accordingly to the individual weight. It sounds promising, though. :tu:
I’m a bit confused as I sent the liquid to my vet to see what they had said about dosaging and she said to give 0.7-0.9ML of the liquid a day. That it would equal to 90mg of glucosamine. To me, that seems like a lot considering how strong the liquid is.
The feliway cystease is back in stock on amazon for me in the United States. Is this the correct one? Would this help with arthritis too?


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