New Born Pup
So just to bring everyone up to date. My guinea pig Curly developed a bladder stone in May and from May 13th to the 19th she was on antibiotics (Meloxicam - .18ml for 4 days, Baytrill - .2ml two times daily for 7 days, Tramadol - 1/4th of a tablet 2 times every day for 3 tablets & baby colic drops - .1ml daily as a probiotic) which were perscribed by my main vet. Curly after having antibiotic treatment to help flush out backed up food and attempt to break down the stone (from may 13th to may 19th) has had a surgery date scheduled for June 11th as of May 29th (as the stone is still present). In the meanwhile I am working on getting her back to 900g's since at some point from the 24th onwards she lost 100g's as prior to the surgical vet consultation my current vet was focusing on reducing calcium intakes and clearing out food in her. She weighed in at 907g's prior to antibiotic treatment on the 13th and during the consultation on the 29th she weighed in at 800g's.
From the 19th to the 29th of May her poop slowly transitioned from air bubbles with poop strings -> varying size poops with air bubbles & poop strings holding it together -> very soft poop with a better formation than the stringy poop -> the same poop but with a green texture. For the same timeline she wasnt eating much of her poop within that timeline until after the 29th. For her urine because of the bladder stone (within the same timeline) went from the typical stream of urine followed by light red drops of blood with Curly straining when urinating -> only red drops of blood with Curly straining when urinating -> clear opaque urine with no traces of blood and no straining (I still have to check for white residue on her black play mat). after the 30th of May. However since the 30th while the uirne has pretty much improved I haven't seen any poops around the cage, but at the same time I will often see her curl up to eat her poop as guinea pigs do, but beacuse of the lack of poop I'm seeing i'm wondering if she is actually pooping at all!
I've already contacted my vet about this, but I was wondering if anyone would be able to fill me in on what could be causing this. Is her gut slowing down? Is it because of all the food being cleared out? Is she actually eating all of her poops to make up for the missed ones or is she just trying to eat even though nothing is coming out? Is she bloated? Currently diet wise she will drink water, eat cilantro, most of her leattuce and hay as well as a small bit of grains. I'm trying to do around 10-15ml of critical care daily as she can be rathe picky when being fed and I found going at her pace works better. Her eating patterns have improved from the 19th onwards so thats positive progress.
Thanks to everyone that responds, Curly is only 2 years old and its unforutinate that she happens to be one of the few piggies that just develop's bladder stones compaired to other pigs (including my past 2 with essentially the same diet, regular calcium/oxilates intake but no stones).
From the 19th to the 29th of May her poop slowly transitioned from air bubbles with poop strings -> varying size poops with air bubbles & poop strings holding it together -> very soft poop with a better formation than the stringy poop -> the same poop but with a green texture. For the same timeline she wasnt eating much of her poop within that timeline until after the 29th. For her urine because of the bladder stone (within the same timeline) went from the typical stream of urine followed by light red drops of blood with Curly straining when urinating -> only red drops of blood with Curly straining when urinating -> clear opaque urine with no traces of blood and no straining (I still have to check for white residue on her black play mat). after the 30th of May. However since the 30th while the uirne has pretty much improved I haven't seen any poops around the cage, but at the same time I will often see her curl up to eat her poop as guinea pigs do, but beacuse of the lack of poop I'm seeing i'm wondering if she is actually pooping at all!
I've already contacted my vet about this, but I was wondering if anyone would be able to fill me in on what could be causing this. Is her gut slowing down? Is it because of all the food being cleared out? Is she actually eating all of her poops to make up for the missed ones or is she just trying to eat even though nothing is coming out? Is she bloated? Currently diet wise she will drink water, eat cilantro, most of her leattuce and hay as well as a small bit of grains. I'm trying to do around 10-15ml of critical care daily as she can be rathe picky when being fed and I found going at her pace works better. Her eating patterns have improved from the 19th onwards so thats positive progress.
Thanks to everyone that responds, Curly is only 2 years old and its unforutinate that she happens to be one of the few piggies that just develop's bladder stones compaired to other pigs (including my past 2 with essentially the same diet, regular calcium/oxilates intake but no stones).