crying piggie

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i just need a bit of help!

Tinkerbell is crying alot, at first i thought one of the other piggies was hurting her but she is making this loud screaming noise when no-one is near her. as soon as i get her out of her cage she is fine.

she has previously had a ulcer under her chin, i have checked her all over even played about with her legs to she if she is any pain when i touch these places but she's fine,

Dunno if any can thing of anything that might be up with her?

I'm totally confused
Mayb she can hear u there and is calling for food or attention. Or is it more of a distressed cry?
its more of a disstressed sound, sometimes she screams that loud u think when u get to the cage your guna find her really badly injured
oh :( sorry I'm noy sure, but I'm sure someone else on here will be able to help you
Good luck O0

i keep thinking about take her to vet but i dont wanna look stupid. thats why I'm asking on here first.

just to note she is eating and drinking fine, just these cry's and screams are starting to scare me
There's no harm in taking her to the vets for a once over. She could possibly be calling for attention. My cat does it all the time. She calls in the night and when I go and check on her and her sister they are both fine.
y piggies used to do that when they had fungal infections they used to get quite distressed with the itching or my mites? their supposed to be quite painful!

hope she feels better soon :smitten:
Have you tried watching her while she's crying. Does she hunch slightly? One of my boys started crying a lot and he had a UTI. He was hunching slightly and crying while trying to go to the loo. I watched him until he stopped cring and moved off and then checked to see if he'd actually managed to go to the toilet, then you can give the vet as much info as possible. Hope she's feeling better soon.
How does crying sound like? O_o

usuallie my girl Coffee goes shrieking v. loud and make some continuous sound.. hmm.. is that crying? =(

yea.. if its hunch back better take her to the vet... my Mocha used to hunchback alot.. but i didn't realise it is something bad =(
he was drinking and eating fine too... and the nxt day he passed away to strawberrie land.. :'(

so i guess its better u send your piggie to have a checkup.. perhaps its some internal problem. And yes, if your piggie is small, they tend to hide their sickness away too.. so its not easy to spot~
i think things will be fine, i have caught cuddles going for her alot, so in going mad with cuddles, then whilst i had them all out the other day the babies kept tryingto suckle on cuddles, then i noticed tinkerbell trying to suckle.

so last night i left the mini pigs in the cage and let cuddles and tinks have play time to themselves and they were fine. so somepoint next week or late this week I'm separting the mini pigs.

I'm guna go from them, hopefully they will calm down and learn to enjoy each other instead of trying to scrap.
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