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Crusty eye

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Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
I was just giving Zac a trim and noticed he has a sore eye :'(it's white under his eye :'(
He's in the conservatory with his partner Harvey and the last 3 nights I've turned the heating off overnight, could it be because he's used to having the heat on or his teeth ?
sorry i can't help you, perhaps bathe the eye with warm salt water. hoping zac gets better. sending zac, harvey and yourself hugs and cuddles. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
and the girls send :-* :-* :-* please keep us posted. :smitten:
One of mine gets crusty eyes sometimes but is otherwise in great health - I use Optrex and a bit of cotton wool to clean it. If not then just bathing in cool water?

Hope he's ok

Hi Karen,

Is it like a milky substance? Twinkle gets that and its just what they use for cleaning themselves. If not it may be with having the heat off. They are such little monkeys they are always making us worry!

Only tonight I was feeding them all and noticed Pearl has yellow near her eye little minx had only had a pee in her bowl and then put her head in it 98) I thought she has some discharge from the eye!

So it could be something simple!

Hope Zac is ok and love to Harvey and Jack x
Something else I thought about last week Zac had a little scratch underneath his eye :'( I wonder if it's something to do with that :-\

Zac's had a good cut and a bath tonight :smitten:bless him he looks so much smaller ;D

Him and Harvey seem really good mates I'm really pleased how they have bonded :) they like seperate pigloo's though.
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