Countdown 3.2.1. Three Piggies

I'm sure all 3 girls will be fine and get up to mischief as usual. Have a good time away with your friend and don't miss the girls too much!
thank you. are you havin a good eve. Whsts your new year resolution. tell me cos I tell no one. xx
Happy new year, enjoy your evening :) x
thank you. are you havin a good eve. Whsts your new year resolution. tell me cos I tell no one. xx
Mine is to get back to Slimming World target weight within 6 weeks!
Son just come home and his drink was spiked! His pupils are massive and he's talking rubbish. The same thing happened to his friend too and they got a taxi home together. He had no money left in his wallet but his driving license and bank card are still there. At least he's home safe. He's going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning!
Mine is to get back to Slimming World target weight within 6 weeks!
Son just come home and his drink was spiked! His pupils are massive and he's talking rubbish. The same thing happened to his friend too and they got a taxi home together. He had no money left in his wallet but his driving license and bank card are still there. At least he's home safe. He's going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning!

Oh gosh hope he’s okay this morning and not feeling too rough. Glad they both got home safely x
Hello everyone. Sorry not posted much but with work and other stuff I've been also lazy. The girls are great and have had a whole day out with floor space.
And they home has Masive clean and weight on return. Very weird as on looks the small one Cocoa 20171223_205116.webpis the heavest. Heidi is also on a high weight20171109_223338.webpbut Chloe is down to her lowest so she's now on watch 20171206_171707.webpand we keeping a eye on her. they all well over 1000 but Chloe is a lowest since we got them. All three are eating well and healthy but I'm going to give them extra goodies not a lot but I really don't think I feed them enough veg. Any advise will be gratefully received. Hay is a plenty and biccys always top up.
she's not showin any signs being poorly. so we weigh her again soon.IMG-20171217-WA0005.webpYep that's me feet with 2 of them. 20180105_071901.webpKeep safe and well all.
As some will know Cocoa has a grunting noise and she's takin medicine from vets and little extra from us and fingers and paws crossed we get her mended. IMG-20180106-WA0004.webpAs not to leave the others out of the extra tlc she's getting @Hoppity.K Kath got the others out for a cuddle. Chloe a rare trip out. 20180108_222737.webpThen boss lady Heidi. 20180108_223945.webpWell i saw a BEAUTIFUL thing. Heidi being last back and Cocoa was tired due to a long long day and being messed about she promptly had a sleep in old carrot house. Kath put Heidi back and she seriously looked in the hides and hay she wondered around until she found her.licked her eye and nibbled a little and went off for a feed. Cocoa never moved just squeaked a little. Animals can melt you. x
I remember giving meds to a piggy I was looking after last year, hated the syringe. After the baytril, if you waved a syringe anywhere near him he would leg it! :)) He was like NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE! But we soon managed the pro-b and cucumber trick ;)
Hello everybody. We ok. 20171217_193947.webpBecause I've been to the vets cos I had a sniffle nosee IMG-20180120-WA0005.webpOther two going Thu at 9.30 for a check up and bit of a trim. So I be alone for 2 hours and I'm pretty scared s not been alone for ages. Hope mummy slave @Hoppity.K Gives me lots carrots.. i let you know how Heidi and Chloe get on. IMG-20171107-WA0004.webp 20171118_231915.webp
Hello gorgeous Cocoa I'm sure you will be fine! They'll come back and tell you all about the nice vet man (nasty vet man if you are Dennis).
I love seeing these girls. It’s the next best thing to fostering them :luv:
Hope all went well at the vets.
I'm putting this on here. @Hoppity.K is takin Heidi and Chloe to the vets this morning. She's very very nervous as last time she went on her own the wonderful and very much missed Pedro died on the way home and it pains her. She is being very brave and Kath it was not your fault.
I know you think you slightly responsible but it happened and pls be brave today.
Plus cos of what did happen and he left us for Rainbow World we wouldn't have these. 20180112_073520.webp
This Rainbow for us did have gold at the end. x