Count to ten before the seniors get here!

not sure if you meant 12 :) sorry if I was unclear, but to clarify, we can just keep counting past 10 until we're zeroed :)
this is the record so far! 🎉 let's see if we can make it to 100 lol

Weepweeps is a senior so was correct in restarting
I’m not very good at this game. I’ve messed it up twice now 🤣🤣

I’m easily confused.
Oh oops didn't realise that haha🤣
CHANGE OF RULES: to keep it simple from now on, anyone displaying the title "senior guinea pig" with every post can reset it to 0.
Hope this makes sense, or we can give this game up as a lost cause lol
Hi! So some people may have missed this⬆️ (and I don't know how to edit the very first post to include it in there🙈) but we had that little confusion near the start of the game as well and decided on the above ⬆️
Anyone know how to edit posts so I can clarify the rules in the very first post?
Hi! So some people may have missed this⬆️ (and I don't know how to edit the very first post to include it in there🙈) but we had that little confusion near the start of the game as well and decided on the above ⬆️
Anyone know how to edit posts so I can clarify the rules in the very first post?
After five minutes of posting members can't edit their own post, but I'm sure one of the staff would be happy to help!

Hi! So some people may have missed this⬆️ (and I don't know how to edit the very first post to include it in there🙈) but we had that little confusion near the start of the game as well and decided on the above ⬆️
Anyone know how to edit posts so I can clarify the rules in the very first post?

Ah ok, I think the issue with that is for phone users rather than laptop users. I rarely use my laptop and no one has a displayed title on my phone so I can only go on number of posts etc
Ah yes that would make it more difficult if you can't see the titles... I guess everyone just has to default to being a "counting person" unless they're sure that they are displaying the senior guinea pig title
I didn’t realise I was a senior as it says Forum Buddy under my name. So I can count then?
