Couldn't Say No!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 28, 2014
Reaction score
USA Minnesota
I really wish there was a pet store here that sold what I needed at a reasonable price without animals, but there isn't.

My 13 year old son was with me. The big tough teen. There was the cutest lone GP all by herself he says can we get her and I say no, trios are hard and don't usually work... I go off to get some things and come back and he looks at me all red eyed and I say are you crying, he says no! I'm like yes you are, why are you crying and he says cuz she's all alone and looks so sad. I'll give you all my money ect. He is NOT a cryer and tries to act like the big man, but he has a sensitive side when it comes to animals. I gave in so now I have three. I am prepared to get another one if I have to. I just hope my husband doesn't move out lol.

So here she is! Nessie!

I know I shouldn't have bought her at a pet store :( and if I do have to get another one. I will do my best to find a rescue close bye.

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Haha he swayed you good didn't he! She is beautiful! I don't think trio's are hard work if dont properly. I have 4 sows living together harmoniously so fingers crossed this little girl's intro's go well with your other two :)
Awww thanks so much. I held her a little bit and she took treats from my lips. This pet store it not the bad one I wrote about. These ones have a large cage and get vegies, it's where we got Kitty and Nancy from. I have to say I think she is the cutest of the bunch "looks" wise. I think they're all cute but my son and her big brown eyes got me.

image.webp image.webp
What is the best way to make a trio work? And I'm still confused as to when I do introduce them if it's a go before the dominating process starts. I've read all the links but they don't give specific signs for the first 15-30 min or right off the bat to look for. I think I will have them so they can meet through the bars first. I'm gonna have to expand the cage again. I'll have to get rid of one of the lofts for a bit.
Yes me too! But I guess I'm not going into it thinking it's gonna workout forsure and am prepared to do what I have to so all the girls are happy. So if that means getting a fourth, well that's what I'll have to do.

I got a couple good ones of Nancy. I'll get some better ones of Kitty tomorrow. Kitty is def top pig , so maybe Nancy can have a buddy. I know she would love to snuggle with Kitty, but Kitty will have none of that, not yet anyway.

I'm hoping the weather will cooperate so I have them intro outside where none of them have been yet.

So this is Nancyimage.webp
Hahaha! Love it! Your son is ace! Piggy is gorgeous too. Am sure there is a sticky on bonding somewhere but am using phone at the mo so not so easy to find it but just in case I will tag @Wiebke who is extremely experienced with bonding.

Good luck with it! X
They're beautiful! I always hate seeing a lone piggie in a pet shop, always pulls at the heart strings!

I've managed to make a trio of boars work before, but that was down to two of them being extremely laid back personality wise.

I introduced them on neutral ground like all the best advice says. Big pile of hay, no hideys.

Just as long as they have enough room to get away from each other if they feel a little grumpy, and have a couple of good bowls so they don't have to squabble over the same one. I found that did the trick really.

It's mainly down to their personalities on whether it will work. So fingers and piggie toes crossed for you! :)
She's beautiful. A trio of sows is easier than a trio of boars but it can result in 1 pig being pushed out sometimes so it is good that you are prepared to adopt another if needed.

One thing I do need to mention - quarantine. Ideally she should be kept separate from your sows for 2 weeks to protect both them and her from any lurking illnesses.
Omg cute pig haha that's so sweet how ure son moved you.
That's my problem I can't go into a petstore without looking at the animals, it's why I have 8 piggies but the truth is if I don't help them, then who knows what will happen to them.
I have bought all my pigs from the petstore because even tho ppl tell you not to, I can't help it because the truth is pet stores are never going to stop selling animals it's just the cold hard truth so I'm going to help as many as I can to have a better life.
What a little cutie! I agree that it is extremely hard to walk away.

Sow trios have a much better chance at working out than baby boar trios, but you can still end up with one girl being rather a bit left out. From 4-5 sows onwards, you get group dynamics, so the outsider problem is no longer so much an issue.

Like @helen105281 is saying,iIt would be good if you did a quarantine with any piggy that has not come from a good rescue with a mandatory quarantine (please check that detail before adopting from a rescue; not all are up to scratch!) You are looking for the usual culprits - mange mites or ringworm (itchiness, bloody or bold pskin patches or respiratory issues like sneezing, sniffling, crusty eyes/nose etc.) Even just the stress of a move to a new home can bring these opportunists out. The incubation period is about 2 weeks, so we recommend a quarantine of 2-3 weeks to make sure that nothing is carried across.
Thanks everyone. I know I should have done a quarantine. But I didn't have another cage. I went over her with a fine tooth comb and my vet tech eyes lol. She seems very healthy.

I split off part of Kitty and Nancy's cage. Things got a little crazy at first with Kitty and Nancy but settled down quickly. Nessie was so excited to see other pigs she was pop-corning in her little half of the cage lol.

I have a vet and will take them in at the first sign anything is wrong, but I don't foresee any thing. Kitty and Nancy have been very healthy and had them over a month now.

I can't believe how many pigs this store sells though! I get sad because I'm sure most of them go to small kids and live in small cages and probably end up in shelters at some point.

I think next time I go in I'm going to talk to the manager and ask him if he would be willing to give people the name of a rescue group as a JUST IN CASE this doesn't workout for your family type thing.

I made my son stay in the pet store until I had the car nice and cool and then pulled up to the door and he came out and got right in and same thing when we got home.

My husband hasn't noticed the third pig yet :) he's afraid of them and thinks they'll bite him ugh! City grown boys.
I've had 2 sets of trios work in the past, its difficult at times but they've worked out okay.
He is a stunner though. I wish you all the best
Wow she is stunning. Look at those big eyes and her fur is so funky. It looks like she might be, what I dub a 'squirrel butt' guinea pig. Where an aby has crossed with a long haired piggie and she will have long butt fur. I'm not certain as shes young and I've never seen a squirrel butt guinea pig young but she reminds me of them. =)
Hahahaha you're all too funny! I've been waiting for him to go to bed before I hold her. Oh don't worry I'm not gonna say a word. I just want to introduce them so I can take the divider out. That he might notice from the couch.

So far they seem to be okay sniffing through the cage. Nessie is pretty skittish but calms down when I hold her and does lots of purring, I'm still not good at telling whether it's good purring or not.

I will keep you all posted don't worry. :D

Omg cute pig haha that's so sweet how ure son moved you.
That's my problem I can't go into a petstore without looking at the animals, it's why I have 8 piggies but the truth is if I don't help them, then who knows what will happen to them.
I have bought all my pigs from the petstore because even tho ppl tell you not to, I can't help it because the truth is pet stores are never going to stop selling animals it's just the cold hard truth so I'm going to help as many as I can to have a better life.
It's sad to say, but I think you're right. Pet stores won't stop selling them. I still meet people that have never even heard of a puppy mill?!? REALLY?!? Hopefully one day the whole world will know the truth, but until then it will continue.
I expanded the cage to a 2x5 with one loft. I still have a divider up but now each side has a little more room. I'm actually shocked Kitty the dom was licking her? Is that a good thing? Or is she thinking she might taste good like her bell peppers? Lol

Oh and Nessie is way calmer today and not as afraid. We had her out for floor time alone and she was running and Corning all over the place.
Aww that sounds like good news if she's licking her. Nessie sounds like she's settling well. And I love her name.
Thanks, my son would call Nancy Nestore to irritate his sister lol. So Nessie is both of ours so I said we have to agree on a name. He didn't want to name her Nestore, so I said how about Nessie and we both liked it, so her nick name is Messy Nessie or should I spell it Nessy? Lol
I'm thinking of trying an intro tomorrow. I was watching some videos and some people put them together for a while in a neutral area and then separate them and do it that way for a few days, I'm thinking that's not a good way because then it would be like they have to keep sorting things out over and over? Or am I wrong?
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