A little update:
Hurrah! Well I finally bit the bullet and rescued 2 3yr old female Absynnian piggies!
Meet Flora and Fauna (previously known as nibbles and ginger... can you tell sleeping beauty is my favourite Disney movie? ) Flora is the tortoise and Fauna is the wee ginger nut
I managed 4 days with them in my room (how I managed to wake up at 5am and work a 12.5 hr shift on little sleep I'll never know!) And I had to move them into my sisters old room. They are very skittish so a quiet room, but can always see what's happening was the best option for them to settle in and get accustomed to us.
Their fluffy fur and googly eyes made me fall in love with them!
To me I think they are hard work! I see myself sweeping their cage 4-5 times a day because I'm picky that way! And they do smell a bit but it's not overpowering! I love talking and petting them (Well Flora as Fauna is very skittish!).
I love when they wheek at my mum and I for their veggies! It's rather cute!
I am currently using fleece bedding as sawdust wasn't working and I think I have become allergic to it... I was ok with my hamsters sawdust...
I have one question.. What veggies can you feed everyday for them? Which leads on to what veggies can they have every other day! They seem to be very picky and only like to eat romaine lettuce and raw beetroot! They will eventually eat the other veggies I put in but I can't get the right balance. I would like to know what veggies are safe to feed everyday?
Anyway for the pictures!
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