Cold / Runny nose

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Hello again

One of our piggies (7 weeks old) who weve had since thursday has seemed to developed a cold. She is sneezing a bit and has a runny nose (one side of nostrel) - Should I be doing / giving her anything ?

Their hutch is in the shed with wood shavings, and hay on top. Do you think they are warm enough ? - Is that cotton wool bedding stuff warm and any good ?

thanks all
welcome again, it sounds like your little one may have a URI upper respitory infection which means a vet trip for some antibiotics. i could be wrong but this is what it sounds like to me. guinea pigs can go down hear very quickily so i would seperate her from the rest and see if you can get her into the vets. you could try syringing her boiled water that has cooled down. is she eating, drinking, pooping? i really think a vet visit is in order. good luck with your little one. sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: please keep us posted. O0
Hey, I too agree that it could be a URI so i'd take her to the vets to be on the safe side. I would steer clear from the cotton wool type bedding as it can get stuck round their limbs therefore stopping the blood supply. I used this for one of my gerbils once and it made him really hot and sweaty. This is just my opinion though. Good luck and keep us posted O0
Yeah it could be a URI. If the liquid coming from her nose is greenish then it probably is but if it is brownish she may have got some dust up her nose and is clearing it out by sneezing. Hope you find out the cause x
thanks, she still full of life & eating so its not bothering her. its not green coming out of her nose just clear water.
I don't think it is an infection then but there's no harm in getting her hecked out to be on the safe side.
I think this could be an allergic reaction to the bedding.Woodshavings are notorious for causing allergies .Remove this and just use newspaper with hay on top,or better still,vet beds.

Give her 0.3ml of paediatric Sudafed once a day for up to 3 days.One dose of this will often ease allergic reactions.

If she starts to look depressed or her appetite goes down,get her to a vet .
Personally I wouldn't take any chances and take her to the vet to be checked out as piggies with a URI can go downhill very quickly. You absolutely must not use any type of "cotton wool" bedding for any animal. It can be fatal if swallowed.
I wouldn't take any risks either, if it sounds like a uri, (which it does to me) then it's enough for me to be down the vets
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