It's that time of year again, when we need to pay for web hosting and forum software license renewals. The forum cost us approx
£750 a year to run and we rely on donations to keep us running. Otherwise I have to send the piggies out to work.... and they won't like that
Any donations - no matter how small - are greatly appreciated as it all helps cover the cost and it all adds up. We rely on the generosity of our community to keep us running so donations are vital to enable us to exist.
Donations can either be made by paypal to myself details
available via pm to me or by cheque made payable to myself, again pm me for address details etc... Need to make it clear this is a donation to help run the forum you are not paying for a service, the service of course is free to anyone to use.
You must be over 18 to make a donation this is not negotiable
In return you get a nice colourful banner underneath your name saying 'Forum Donator 2019/20' and the right to add a signature to your profile. Not to mention a nice warm glow inside

for helping keep the forum running!
The past year the forum donations paid for our hosting, software licence renewals, theme updates and email services, domain name, email services. We hope this forthcoming year will see an increased number of posts, maybe a few new features from software upgrades
In the face of competition from facebook we are still holding our own and keeping our community and repository of information on guinea pigs alive and up to date making us one of the most successful active Guinea Pig Online Communities across the globe.
I will provide a full breakdown of donations received and how the money is spent to anyone that requests it.
Thank you once again for being part of this community and making it the place it is. On behalf of the admin team, mod team and myself, we would like to thank you for making the past year a successful year for the forum, you are all wonderful and I am so proud to belong to such a great community.
Predicted Costs for this year
XF Software License £52.58
Hosting, tech support, SSL £550
Incoming email 12 months £95.04
So 697.32 projected for the year, this doesn't take into account emergency tech work that may arise.