CHOOKEN? Leave that to the professionals!

DOUBLE chocken alarm!
My very special chocken piggy, Marshmallow in freshly cleaned cage.

I had never heard it called this before, but I love it! (And love all the photos too!)

My (now sadly passed) boy Rhubarb did this all the time during lap time, but I haven't got many photos as this was a while ago prior to camera phones! Here he is with his brother Custard (before their great falling out!) :love:

I had never heard it called this before, but I love it! (And love all the photos too!)

My (now sadly passed) boy Rhubarb did this all the time during lap time, but I haven't got many photos as this was a while ago prior to camera phones! Here he is with his brother Custard (before their great falling out!) :love:

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beautiful piggies