Chewing On The Cage Bars

Cazzie Bliss

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Hello all, it is me again ~

I have two sets of piggies, 3 sows and 2 boars. I separated them at suitable timing and their cages are directly next to each other (sadly store bought but I am looking into getting a c&c cage asap, they deserve it) - And Kakyoin chews the bars all of the time and all night. Jojo did it at first but he gave up so now only Kakyoin does it and has done since separation around a month or two ago. The last boars I split from the sows did this too.

Now, the piggies are mine so they stay in my room but I can no longer sleep soundly during the night due to the chewing and rattling of the cage. I always make sure they all have fresh hay and food but I'm wondering if he just really wants to get in with the girls OR if he needs some new stimulation (he gets floor time every day like all the piggies) or when I get enough funds together to build two cages, will he perhaps stop then?

Hello all, it is me again ~

I have two sets of piggies, 3 sows and 2 boars. I separated them at suitable timing and their cages are directly next to each other (sadly store bought but I am looking into getting a c&c cage asap, they deserve it) - And Kakyoin chews the bars all of the time and all night. Jojo did it at first but he gave up so now only Kakyoin does it and has done since separation around a month or two ago. The last boars I split from the sows did this too.

Now, the piggies are mine so they stay in my room but I can no longer sleep soundly during the night due to the chewing and rattling of the cage. I always make sure they all have fresh hay and food but I'm wondering if he just really wants to get in with the girls OR if he needs some new stimulation (he gets floor time every day like all the piggies) or when I get enough funds together to build two cages, will he perhaps stop then?

You haven't said whether the boars are neutered? Or whether they are living with the sows? Not had a problem at all with any of mine chewing the bars but it'll drive you potty! My boars were neutered and now have 2 wives each and appear much more content.
My boy does this as well but he has 2 boars on the other side of him. He just doesn't like being alone but he gets bullied. I have stopped him chewing most of his cage by putting a fleece over his cage. This means he can't see his neighbours and doesn't chew so much. I still left some of the cage uncovered so that he can see his neighbours to stop him getting lonely. I think he would have stopped altogether if I covered all of it.
Might be an idea to try especially as yours wont get lonely as he has a friend. I would cover most of the cage with a towel or blanket but just leave some free for air flow.
They are not neutered. It costs £90 per boar here and I don't have enough spare to neuter them. I sort of mentioned that they are seperated. The girls in one cage and the boys in another.

I might try the fleece idea but I'd rather try some new toys first ^_^ no harm in piggies getting something new to play with.
You need to move the boys into another room ideally as the smell of the girls will make them crazy. They're just doing what comes naturally and want to get to them :(
They are not neutered. It costs £90 per boar here and I don't have enough spare to neuter them. I sort of mentioned that they are seperated. The girls in one cage and the boys in another.

I might try the fleece idea but I'd rather try some new toys first ^_^ no harm in piggies getting something new to play with.
You're lucky though that if they're not neutered and can smell the girls that they haven't fought! How old are the boys? I agree with @Eileen's Mum that they'd be best as far away as possible from the sows.
There isn't really anywhere in the house we can put them, my mum has a lot of animals herself >_< The boys are around... two-three months old now I think. I'll see what I can do.
There isn't really anywhere in the house we can put them, my mum has a lot of animals herself >_< The boys are around... two-three months old now I think. I'll see what I can do.
Maybe your Mum would be able to have a shift around with some of her pets? I'm sure she'll help you if she knows they need to be spaced well apart! Animals eh? X
They can easily damage their teeth or jaw from excessive chewing on bars. Please cover them with something so he can't chew them. I used the plastic from a cheapr photo frame. He could see his buddy still but not chew to get at him.