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Charlottes Teethe

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I'm not shrue what to do here because charlotte keeps spitting up thick blood. And I do not have any money to go get her checked up, what should I do?

Please Reply Back QUICK :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
It must be her teethe cause Its bleeding there not anywhere elese :'(
she needs to see a vet, could you find out if you could pay them in installments? i know this might sound harsh but if you cant afford to take her to the vet maybe you should hand her to a rescue who would get her treated :)
i would take her to your vet and ask for a payment plan, she may have bitten her tongue maybe that is where the blood is coming from? sending hugs and healing vibes to charlotte and loving hugs to you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: as i know what it is like to have a sick pet and no money, it still tears you up inside and i am thinking of you both and hoping all goes well. keep us posted, and don't feel guilty you have no money as money only goes so far, we have had a sick piggy, and 2 sick cats in the last month so i know what it's like not to have the money. good luck girls send charlotte :-* :-* :-* and welcome to the forums from us in oz. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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