Changing bedding if a neighbour looks after guinea pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 14, 2014
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I was just wondering what people do when they go on holiday and someone elase looks after their guinea pigs.
I have mine on fleece with pee pads etc but it is quite labour intensive poo picking so is a lot to ask someone else to do.
Not got any plans at the moment for holidays but was thinking I would maybe change to using Care Fresh and newspaper for that period. What do others do?
I’ve just got back from a holiday and my two boys went to my friend’s house for two weeks. I kept everything exactly the same as when they are at home. Mine are on fleece and bobble mats. She managed fine with my routine. I didn’t ask her to wash anything though. So I had a mountain of washing when I got home but it was fine.
Oh goodness they might baulk at the poo picking!
Wouldn't expect any washing
May be asking hubby if away with girl friends so he will probably be less accommodating!
My poo picking consists of picking up the 2 bobble mats and shaking them into the bin bag twice a day. Every other day I completely change the 2 hay piles and all 4 mats. Such an easy cleaning schedule. The fleece liners get cleaned every 6 days.
I use disposable bedding routinely but disposable bedding does have the same labour as it also needs to be poo picked daily, with wet patches of bedding and hay removed and replaced daily.
I just have a dustpan and brush and scrape up what needs to be removed
I use aubiose ,inch deep.i change it weekly.areas where there a collection of feaces i scoop up with a small dustpan.the wee always goes to the bottom of the bedding...the top keeps dry.
When i go away for2 to 3 days,i can get a friend to put hay,veg,water in daily.They would not be prepared to poo works well.
When mine go boarding,i allow the boarder to use what ever bedding they prefere.
My poo picking consists of picking up the 2 bobble mats and shaking them into the bin bag twice a day. Every other day I completely change the 2 hay piles and all 4 mats. Such an easy cleaning schedule. The fleece liners get cleaned every 6 days.
Sounds nice, what's a bobble mat?
Bobble mats are amazing. Easy to wash and dry. Basically they are bath mats that we use as pee pads.


I have four in the cage at a time. One under the hay pile at each end of the cage and two under their hides. I cut mine in half too. 😁

Don’t get the rubber backed ones.
The hay doesn't stick to them like it does to fleece and you don't need to be so careful washing them.
Ah I see, we have one of those in the bathroom! That's interesting to know, we don't actually have our piggies yet (hopefully arriving on Sunday...) but I've already bought lots of fleecy stuff - will bear those in mind if I get too fed up with hay sticking etc! And they're OK on the piggies feet? I like the idea of just shaking them off 👍
Ah I see, we have one of those in the bathroom! That's interesting to know, we don't actually have our piggies yet (hopefully arriving on Sunday...) but I've already bought lots of fleecy stuff - will bear those in mind if I get too fed up with hay sticking etc! And they're OK on the piggies feet? I like the idea of just shaking them off 👍
I use the bobble mats in their hay tray and they are soft on their feet. I find the small seeds from the hay do stick to the bobble mats but i use a silicone brush to brush off . This was suggested by another member. I got my fleece from Tia Knight fabrics, they have lovely patterns and wicked well without pre-washing. I don't find the hay sticks too badly
I got a really good wash bag miuse Pet Laundry bag from Amazon that works very well.
Good luck with you piggies