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Chance to reply

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Well, that's democracy for you on this site. Cut off without the chance to reply. This county has gone to the guinea pigs !

Anders :)
My point is > would mods please let us know why mineral / salt is bad for GP`s via scientific research methods then I can come to a decision about it myself.

Its not really on when 4 replies say its `bad for Piggy's` then a mod cuts off the thread. I have had no chance to reply.

This is supposed to be a debating forum to support healthy ways of keeping GP`s. I haven't been given the chance to discuss this topic before being cut off.

Anders :)
Goodness and here was me thinking it was common knowledge as to why they were so terrible.

In future if you have a problem can you please PM me as I would have been more than happy to re-open the thread if you are unaware of the dangers involved. I will close this one and re-open the other one if you want so you can explain (in your opinion) the benefits of a salt/mineral lick.
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