Cavy Corner Fun Day Sun 2nd April 2017

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Will be leaving the gang at home as being a new guinea pig owner I would like to see how more experienced owners transport their brood.
I'll be bringing three girls with me who will be in a red play pen. I'll be the short beardy guy with black rimmed glasses and possibly a camera around my neck :) Be great to see you :tu:
I'm hoping to get there earlier than my usual almost-late rock up... There's usually very little floor space left when I've got there at nearly 12:30 the last couple of times! Unfortunately early rises are not my weekend strong point!
I'll have 5 of the army along with my sister to help wrangle them (and to eat cake and spend my money :D)
I'm not bringing any of mine with me. The ASBOs (Mollie and Mabel) would probably show me up by nipping someone. Violet's group would love the attention, but Violet is just too old a lady to cope with the journey and I couldn't leave her on her own while I brought Poppy and Holly so I shall be travelling without piggies and free to pignap any suitable floofs who catch my eye.......
If I can locate my Guinea Pig Forum t-shirt I may wear it.
I will be wearing one of my piggy t-shirts. Definitely bringing flash and Daisy, they travel well as regularly go to my parents house. Not sure if I am bringing Harley or the new baby boy I am picking up tomorrow. Really looking forward to meeting some people from this forum. Perhaps we need a forum corner set up!
Just wanted to know how everyone makes sure there pets are comfortable while you are there ? I'd love to come but really don't think Noodle would be confident enough x
I brought Tina with me last time and she really hates new situations and doesn't like being touched and held. I put her in a carrier with her friends and lots of hay inside. I just didn't get her out for too many classes to minimise any stress. She actually coped really well. Only thing I would say was it was quite warm in the room and my pigs are used to being outside so they struggled a bit with the heat.
Just wanted to know how everyone makes sure there pets are comfortable while you are there ? I'd love to come but really don't think Noodle would be confident enough x

I'd love to offer some advice but Fred and George literally sat on a bed all afternoon sleeping last year!
I only take pigs along that I know will cope with the whole experience- there's a lot of noise and smells and can be a bit of a sensory overload, so I make sure they've got somewhere dark and cosy to retire to if it all becomes a bit too much. I also make sure to pack some veg- there's not much that can't be cured by a bit of cucumber!
Just wanted to know how everyone makes sure there pets are comfortable while you are there ? I'd love to come but really don't think Noodle would be confident enough x

If you don't think Noodle would be confident enough then I advise you don't bring him/her. We had a discussion about pets shows a long time ago in this thread ...

Why Are Guinea Shows Looked Down Upon On Here?

As Wiebke stated in post no:14......

If you want to take part at a local pet show, please make sure that your piggies are confident enough to cope with the stress of being out of their usual surroundings, the general hubbub and with being handled by strangers; the interests and welfare of your piggies should be paramount, not your own desire for a bit of fun!
If you don't think Noodle would be confident enough then I advise you don't bring him/her. We had a discussion about pets shows a long time ago in this thread ...

Why Are Guinea Shows Looked Down Upon On Here?

As Wiebke stated in post no:14......

If you want to take part at a local pet show, please make sure that your piggies are confident enough to cope with the stress of being out of their usual surroundings, the general hubbub and with being handled by strangers; the interests and welfare of your piggies should be paramount, not your own desire for a bit of fun!
MoMo would love it but I can't imagine how distraught Noodle would be if I took her away from her for a whole day lol x
MoMo would love it but I can't imagine how distraught Noodle would be if I took her away from her for a whole day lol x

If they are OK travelling in a carrier - You could bring them in a carrie put them in a small cage/run (if you have one). They could stay in this and MoMo would only be away from Noodle while you take her to the relevant class . We can make sure a Cavy Corner volunteer or forum member ( probably me ! ) stays with Noodle while you are with MoMo
Will you have any magazine covers with you? I need a new red one please, not sure whether Steph does or not.
Of course @Sue G

Yes I would also like a magazine binder, do they do them in purple?
Sorry @Flutterby only Poo Brown, Mellon Yellow, Red Pepper and Grass Green, the Self Black is out of stock.

I am bringing Romeo and Gwen (cos Tim would kill me if I didn't bring Gwen). The Hubby is also being dragged along :D
Great to see the Other Halves dragged along. I think they secretly enjoy seeing other peoples pigs.

It's much too far for me to bring mine from Essex, so I just enjoy seeing everyone else's, and of course meeting piggy people.
Seeing as you always seem to have someone else's pig in your arms, your poor boys would feel so betrayed. But then that would make them enjoy cuddle from other people all the more.
Of course @Sue G

Sorry @Flutterby only Poo Brown, Mellon Yellow, Red Pepper and Grass Green, the Self Black is out of stock.

Great to see the Other Halves dragged along. I think they secretly enjoy seeing other peoples pigs.

@Dindypig Could you please bring me a yellow one along and keep it aside for me? I subscribe to TGPM and would love a binder to put them in :)
Mark, could you please be sure to have another yellow one - Steph wants one too - mine is red.
I'd love to offer some advice but Fred and George literally sat on a bed all afternoon sleeping last year!
I only take pigs along that I know will cope with the whole experience- there's a lot of noise and smells and can be a bit of a sensory overload, so I make sure they've got somewhere dark and cosy to retire to if it all becomes a bit too much. I also make sure to pack some veg- there's not much that can't be cured by a bit of cucumber!

I can vouch for those boys dozing on a sofa bed all afternoon. Simply unflappable. Mine are not that calm!
i cannot attend due to other work comittements ive been a human nurse for 30 years.I LOVE MY JOB.I CAN SAY as shown me so much support.pigIGGYOWNER HAS THE BEST EThOS.HAS Shown me so much support in the last two years.xxall the best to you ,it is taking part that matters not winning.Hope all you enjoy.hope to meet you all at another event,my patiens take you all.Eileen.xxxxxxx
i cannot attend due to other work comittements ive been a human nurse for 30 years.I LOVE MY JOB.I CAN SAY as shown me so much support.pigIGGYOWNER HAS THE BEST EThOS.HAS Shown me so much support in the last two years.xxall the best to you ,it is taking part that matters not winning.Hope all you enjoy.hope to meet you all at another event,my patiens take you all.Eileen.xxxxxxx

I'm sorry we won't be seeing you today Eileen - but fully understand . I hope you have a good day at work :hug:
Such a great day! Oodles of piggies to cuddle and bunnies to stroke. Even I managed to get a couple of chin rubs! :D
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