"Casa Cavy" C&C under construction!

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I think it's a fab set up! If you do have problems with your pair of boars, you could put a C&C divider in the middle, making two 2X5 (or is it two 2X4? as you said you were going to set the top level one grid back? ?/) which is bigger than the norm for one pig anyway. Then they'd still get to see and interact with each other, but no chance of fighting! x
Oops, dunno what happened to my other pics. Here's another go:

Can't wait to get to work on the next levels. x
Well, the build is finished.

Unfortunately about mid-way I discovered that because of the layout, the hayloft would be near-impossible to access to clean. I also found out that, because of the extra support beam needed, access to the separate top cage would be restricted so I then had to cut some cable ties to allow hinged door access from the back as well as the front.

On the positive side though, its as sturdy as can be!

I'm just waiting for the plastic houses and food bowls to arrive.

Checking the cage will withstand weight - 2 x 3kg bags of hay and 1kg bag of Readigrass.

Forgot to mention, I'm already thinking of changing the design! I'm considering making the top cage double height too to allow for easier access. x
Well, after much deliberation I decided to reintroduce the hayloft! I REALLY didn't wanna get rid in the first place but I *think* I've discovered an easier way to clean it, that plus the fact hubby hasn't shown any interest in my project before but was like "aaaaahh, WHY did you get rid of the upper level... I like ramps!"

So here are photos with the cage fully completed. I've decided I won't have fleeces down in the loft just newspaper and hay. That's one way I can make cleaning easier. I also found out I can get into the bottom half of the cage (the big big) and can actually sit up while cleaning the loft which makes cleaning LOADS easier.

For those who know a bit about ramps can you give me some advice? Can you look at my pics of the ramps and help me decide which is better. I don't know whether to go for the wooden one and have a C&C panel up as a barrier to prevent piggies falling or whether to go for the bent C&C ramp. I prefer the thought of the wooden as its likely to be a lot easier on the feet plus piggies can have a good gnaw of it and when its no good I can just replace it with another one.

The only thing with the wooden ramp is that I'm not sure if it be too steep (could I stand it om something which the piggies could get on and off without problem?) and I don't know what I could do to make it more steady as when you put a but weight on it it moves a little. At the mo its attached to the loft with cable ties.

So, please... take a look and if you can help me with my ramp query I'd be ever so grateful!:

My basic hayloft

and again!

Comparing the two types of ramp. Which is better?

Is the wooden ramp too steep?

Beds and toys crying out to be used haha!

That veggie twister will be filled to the brim from Saturday... 3 days and counting!...


BTW... still thinking about making the top cable double height! x
It's an awsome cage, it really is!

I understand what you mean about the ramps... but I think the wooden one is way to steep. If you want the grid one a bit more paw-friendly you could put some vetbed, fleece or carpet tile down on it.

I can't wait to see piggies in it :)
It's one way of doing it! I think some things will have to wait until you have your piggies... Both my girls jump up and down houses. Bo, their husband, is ok with up but gets ever so cautious on the way down... :)) Another thing with the stick bridge is that when folded out flat, to act as a ramp, it tends to bend under a chunkier pig :)

Be a little bit careful too with the stick brindge. I know piggies who have gotten their paws/toes stuck in the gaps. They are very different though. One of mine have very even sticks while another has big gaps. I usually cover the one with big gaps with a bit of fleece. Cautious Bo likes that :)
I'd probably go with the bent c & c grid myself. Mine is covered with correx and then I lay a towel or fleece on for grip.
I'm not sure I'd feel confident with the wooden one.

Cage looks fabulous btw. Great effort. Can't wait to see it full of piggies. x
We bought some velcro so cable tied some correx onto the ramp then stuck velcro onto that then velcro onto the back of some vetbed and stuck that on. The vet bed is completely secure and ours bolt up and down the ramp so they don't seem to have any problems getting up. We used 1 cube bent then another on the floor level so they jump up onto that ( it's like a ledge ) then run up the ramp.

That probably makes no sense so I'll take pics when I get home for you!
I've took a couple of pics for you which will hopefully make things a bit clearer then my rambling explanation!



Thanks for that Gemma, I kinda figured thats what you meant. I've got 2 panels which I've bent so I'll see if I can do the same. x
Well all of ours get up and down it no problem and with the "ledge" bit being bent the way it is and covered with the vet bed it gets used as a hidey place alot.
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