Carrot Cottage Demolition Thread

Do you think they can have a new one now? (They much preferred this large one to the medium ones they have had.)

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Two utterly ecstatic piggies. They were trying to get at it before all the cellophane was off and before it had reached the floor. How could I have denied them this for so long?
You are clearly a better slave than you were!
I’m learning, aren’t I! I’m clearly not at the desired standard yet, though, as they look at my hand and bounce backwards when I hold it out for piggy kisses. (This is in stark contrast to their reaction to my younger daughter when she does the same. They cover her in little kisses.)
I just love their little tummies when they are standing up stretching to reach the carrot roof. Gorgeous photos. I hope that you hear many happy hours of piggy refurbishment.....
I agree with what you say about little piggy tummies! I just had to get a photo of glossy little bear Ophelia, stretching up on her legs as far as she can possibly can.
Fifi Fluffybottom has got a carrot cottage, it's just arrived this afternoon. I thought it would help her to get through the rest of her quarantine.
She got very excited about it, ran in and out several times, chewed the top, pushed it to one side so she could get at the back. She loves it and I don't think it's going to last very long :)