Well it's seen a lot of love/abuse over the last few months (they don't have constant access to it) but it was time to retire the old carrot cottage last week.
I wasn't going to get them another one for a while as the prices have shot up on amazon...... but I found a new medium cottage in the local garden centre today and gave it..... My OH made me..... honest! He likes watching the demolition squad in action too.
Anyhow, it was a glorious afternoon here, so after we'd finished some gardening we joined the pigs on the lawn to watch the action.
So here we go.... Lilith susses out the new build.
The rest of the gang move in.
Brunel tests the quality of the roof...
Lilith joins in.
and Wellington takes up residence inside, she's still quite shy!
Whilst Wenlock stretches for a tasty nibble.
The cottage has some nibble damage, and has now been confiscated and hidden away to keep it fresh for another going over on another day.