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cant give my guinea his antibiotics

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Feb 12, 2008
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I have a syringe with medicine for my poorly guinea pig but I just can't get it near him. He struggles so much that any kind of stronger force would break his bones. It seems like there is literally nothing we can do with him. I'm at my wits end and have tried so many different techniques to get the syringe near his mouth.

Anyone got any ideas?
Have you tried wrapping him in a towel? one person can hold him and the other can feed him? :)
the towel worked for honey and instead of pulling her mouth open all I did was lift up one of her top lips, slipped the syringe in and squirted. She didnt enjoy it though ::)
The towel works a treat I wrap mine up in a towel then put guinas back to my stomach and feed that way it will work or someone else can feed. Good luck x
try the towel trick and see if that works, or put the tip of syringe into something your piggy likes and when he opens his mouth squirt his medicine in. this is how i tricked zoe into taking her medincine. good luck and hoping your poor darling gets better soon O0 sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
choloe said:
put the tip of syringe into something your piggy likes and when he opens his mouth squirt his medicine in. this is how i tricked zoe into taking her medincine.

Thats a really good idea never thoght of doing that ;D
At the side of his mouth where his front teeth are, there is a gap between the front and back ones. Lift his lip and the syringe will fit nicely in there. Push gently back until he starts chewing on the syringe (like he does with his water bottle) and then press the syringe down slowly for him to take the liquid - hope this helps and good luck!
Towel or I usually put mine in a glass dropper so they can chew it and squirt after they start chewing. Also, mixing it with some room temp chamomile tea and a small amount of honey will probably be more successful. Just a small amount b/c you don't want her having to drink all day. What works really well is if you can get your hands on a one of those nasal squirters for nose sprays. Then you can squirt the meds into her mouth. Good luck.
You poor thing! Mine hates his also, but he just closes his mouth for a minute or so and finally takes it. I can't imagine going through what you go through! If he's on an antibiotic, I imagine he went to the vets? How did the vet hold him down? Maybe they can give you advice. I think the towel idea was best, because they can't move. Good luck! Let us know how you made out!
Do the towel trick, and maybe get someone else to hold him while you get the syringe in. Put teh end of the syringe in the side of his mouth, because there's a gap. Also there's a point on their jaw, like most animals, apply a bit of pressure at this point and he should open his mouth. Its not the best way to open his mouth, but it works.
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