Can you believe schools?

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i no this is so wrong 2 talk about but I'm really getting annoyed at school
our teacher dont let us on time so i get the bus with my mates and most of the time they walked off on me!
the teachers dont let u go to the loo. We have nearly 2 hours between each time we can go to the loo, and sumtimes i get headaches because wen i do drink, i can end up drinking louds and needing the toliet in just under 30 minutes, imagen that? 2 hours waiting..
wen u ask the teacher they say no?
how can u say no!
its not like drinking or eating were u can wait 4 a while, wen u need the toliet, u need the toliet!
its un natural!
in yr8, (last year) my mate told the teacher she needed the toliet - the teacher sed she couldnt go :(
so my m8 waited, and she has bladder problems, so it didnt go down well
after 5 minutes i smelt a really strong smell of wee
10 minutes after she asked, the teacher sed she could go, she told him she didnt need it anymore - get it?
the teachers expect us to wait, they tell us its nearly the end of day to wait, some people have 2 get their buses, so kids end up having to make the choice , pee their pants on the bus, or go to the toliet miss the bus and walk home in the dark.
Probably the best thing you can do is get your parents to contact the school and ask for this to be sorted out. It's rediculous teachers telling you that you have to wait like that. Good luck and I hope you parents/guardians are supportive.

I can appreciate that teachers may only allow one pupil at a time to the toilet and they no doubt worry about what some of them will get up to in there, smoking etc. But for heavens sake, when a girls gotta go....

Teachers HAVE to let u go to the loo,it is your human right!,sometimes I will suggest troublesome students dont go together,but I always let them go ,get your parents to have a word with your form tutor ;)
I'm sure they are not allowed to not let you go to the toilet. Even prisioners get that right. Spout something about basic human rights and say you'll go to the papers!

I cant remember the amount of times i had detention/was let out late. Those were the days! Looking back now, they were a laugh. ;D

Edit: Great mind think alike! :D
Even thought i haven't been at school since April mine is like this. We need to go to the office and get a key but most the time we aren't allowed out. It's because you loose education time but you stil do if you need the toilet coz you can't concentrate. Schools are badly mucked up :(
Unfortunately as with a lot of things a few can spoil things for the majority of pupils.......... :'(
I was about to say, I want to see the teacher who can do anything about you just getting up and going! I would def. just say I need to go, if teacher says no say "sorry but its urgent", and just go.

If it comes to the headteacher - say you didnt want to wet yourself and thats why you went..

who in their right mind can say ANYTHING against that?

you could actually sue them for humiliating you in front of the class by making you wee yourself...
you know, emotional damage, trauma, all that ;-)
We got told we can just wet ourselfs its our problem that we didn't go during lunch or drank too much.
Don't ask to go - tell them you are going. Then, without saying anything further, just get up and go. Do not turn round, or say anything, even if they yell at you. Just do it! I walked out of a class detention once - there was nothing the teacher could do.
lolseh said:
We got told we can just wet ourselfs its our problem that we didn't go during lunch or drank too much.

so much then for making school meals healthy and all that other rubbish they tell you, you should drink something like 2 or 3 liter of water or other fluids per day, and then teachers try to make you drink less? I would actually put an official complaint in, or write to the local paper about it..
when i was in primary school the teacher would let us go after 2 oclock, one of my foolish friends drank lots of water and then didnt hav time to nip to the loo. she held it in until about 10 to 2 with the teacher telling her to wait.
finally she let her go at 2 and half way up the hallway she wet herself  :-\
she was bullied and harrassed for about a week or 2, or the other kids went and surrounded her puddle and laughed at her, she was humilaiated!
Abnoba said:
lolseh said:
We got told we can just wet ourselfs its our problem that we didn't go during lunch or drank too much.

so much then for making school meals healthy and all that other rubbish they tell you, you should drink something like 2 or 3 liter of water or other fluids per day, and then teachers try to make you drink less? I would actually put an official complaint in, or write to the local paper about it..
I agree wholeheartedly,this is totally wrong I would never refuse a student a humanright!,and I know my colleagues feel the same!,we are in a first school and I know different issues come into play in a high school ,but there is no excuse.......speak to your parents and make sure this is followed up,get the LEA involved if necessary to change the school's policy.
On male teachers try the old 'it's womens problems'. They usually dont say anything to that. I seem to remember a few girls using that excuse when i was at school! Worked a treat. ;D
Oh my that is terrible >:( You guys should report it to the education board (If you have one over there, we do in Aus' :-\) and the more people that do it the more movement you will get on the matter
darkest.dreaming said:
On male teachers try the old 'it's womens problems'. They usually dont say anything to that. I seem to remember a few girls using that excuse when i was at school! Worked a treat. ;D

good point - especially when using tampons, you should change them every three hours. there are actual health risks if you leave them in for too long. Would the teachers in question let you go to the toilet for that reason, do you think, Natalie? Or are they COMPLETE arses about it?
:-\ we do, but I'm only 13 :-\ good idea with the woman problems darkest dreaming, but u cant hav womens problems every school day!
i spoke 2 my dad about it last night, and I'm going to go school, and ask a teacher i know won't let me go if i can go to the toliet, just to get recent proof. then hes reporting them hahaha! ::) i was thinking, we should all chain up 2 a desk and refuse them to go to the toliet...even better!

this is how our school timetable goes

8:55 - pupils go to lessons *
9:00 - first lesson *
9:50 - secound lesson *
10:40 - break
10:55 - pupils to lessons *
11:00 - third lesson*
11:50 - fourth lesson*
12:40 - lunch
1:20 - fifith lesson*
2:10- sixth lesson*
3:00 - registration*
3:20 - end of schoo

the * are to show wen the toliets are lockedl
Abnoba said:
good point - especially when using tampons, you should change them every three hours. there are actual health risks if you leave them in for too long.

Toxic Shock Syndrome.
I use a moon cup to avoid this - here's the link WARNING it aint that pleasant but nothing to do with periods is!
They only cost about £17 & last for about 10 years. They do look horiffic but you can't feel them once you've got it sussed. They're totally environmentally friendly bla bla bla!

Lilgalnat-I'm glad your dad is helping you on this one, it sounds like a thing that a 13yr old girls really shouldn't have to worry about. You've got enough stuff to worry about without wondering if you are 'allowed' to the loo. Keep us up to date with things. h78x
cheers hils. its really unfair my school init? my mate was on her period in pe and the teacher wouldn't let her use the toliet and she ended up leaking through :o
but that moon cup looks offence, but how does it work? it looks like a cup?
I thought about trying to explain but decided against it!! the web site is quite informative tho ;)

I know what you mean about PE the same thing happened to me grrr
I dont know, but why do so many people on here just do what teachers tell you, if it is obvious that they are in the wrong?

I would just give them a look of "youre kidding" and go anyway.. I want to see the teacher who will be able to successfully give you trouble for just going.

Imagine talk with the headmaster:

"so you just walked out of detention?" "yes." "why was that?" "because the detention was undeserved and unfair."

and when they ask why, and you reply with "I needed to go to the toilet badly, to the point that I was afraid of weeing myself, yet my teacher didnt let me go, so I decided that I would rather not make a puddle on the classroomfloor and go anyway." or "I had my period and badly needed to change my tampon, and my teacher wouldnt let me, so rather than walking around with bloodstained jeans, I went to the toilet." (here you can let a comment slip along the lines of "did you know about the health risks that arise from not changing tampons regularly?")

Seriously. They dont have ANY right to not let you go, and they have no leg to stand on.
I seem to spend a lot of my time defending teachers at the moment........

I'm sure your school has their policy for a reason - by secondary school you should be able to work toilet stops into your day really........

I'm a Primary School teacher and once in a while I do have to say 'no' to children asking for the toilet - eg - if they ask in the middle of the register, or in the assembly hall where there is no access to toilets because of the door security system etc. The rest of the time I have a toilet pass system - 2 passes only - one for boys, one for girls to stop them going off in groups and getting themselves into trouble.

As an after thought here what about teachers 'human rights' to go to the toilet? I don't get a break at all and at lunchtime by the time I have eaten and set up for the afternoon there is often no time to go then either. Think 2 hours is bad - try from 8 - 4!!
i have to disagree with u Starshine! your bodyclock which tell u went when 2 eat and go to the toliet, we dont work on the school's clock. our teachers nip to the toliet when they want, and what do we do when we have a sore throat and need to drink more, wear huggies? sorry but i really dont agree with that.
Your school is obviously a lot more flexible than mine then......... There is no way I would ever be able to 'nip' to the toilet when my class are in school as it would mean leaving 28 6 year olds unattended which is hardly professional now is it?

I do have a body clock too you know - I get hungry, thirsty, need the toilet etc just the same as the kids but I know that I can't go so I just deal with it and not moan about it.... We are not allowed to eat or drink in the classrooms so when I have a sore throat (which is most of the time due to constantly being ill from all the kiddie germs) I just have to get on with it. That's life I'm afraid....
you have to come to our school then. teachers can eat and drink in lessons, they go to the toliet when they want. its the fact, when you gotta go you gotta go.
:) You need a Teaching Assistant Starshine :) All our classes our covered with one, at least, for the majority of the time :)

We can't take hot drinks into the classroom, but its a Primary School so maybe different.
I'd love one Karen believe me.......... We have major staffing issues at the moment but hopefully in the future....

I'm Primary School too - year 2 - no food or drinks in the classroom for staff at all and only water and fruit/veg for the kids. No pop, sweets, junk etc has vastly improved behaviour in KS1 - can't wait until it rolls out to KS2 as well.
Teaching is like all professions, you have the good, the bad and the indifferent :-\

My friend was a classroom assistant, she left her position after moving home and has no intention of going back, has decided to get a dog instead and be a full time mom :)
Thankfully she is in the position to do so.

Teaching is one job I just couldn't or would want to do, a bit like the police force. They aren't generally held in very high esteem, yet few people would want to do the job! It's a shame for those who do care and try their best. But that is life :-\

I am not really sure, how is it in the UK in schools, do teachers have a room and the kids go from room to room, or do the kids have a room and the teachers go wandering for each lesson?

In Germany its mostly the latter. So in between each lesson (which are 45 minutes) you could always pop out for a quick wee, and our teachers did the same.

What is this thing anyway that has been mentioned in this thread, about the toilets being locked...?
Do the toilets only get opened at special times? Weird!
I think that it is very different for teachers and children when needing the toilet.

At Primary School, the children are more likely to have accidents than older children and so I think if they need the toilet, they should be allowed to go. Some children are especially shy and if they are made to feel that you are not allowed to go to the toilet in lesson time, then they will become very vulnerable and will be scared to ask when they really urgently need to go.

At Secondary School, I also think it is just as important to go to the toilet when you need it - especially if you have long lessons. It should be strongly recommended that you go to the toilet in your break times however after experiencing problems at school like this, for girls it sometimes is embarrassing if they have just hit puberty. On one occassion, I desperatly needed to go to the toilet as I had women's problems and the teacher said no... infront of the class I basically had to explain why I needed to go and when I ran out the class the deputy head walked past and asked the teacher where I was going - was just so embarrassing. In the end, I was given a letter which allowed me to go to the toilet whenever I needed to go so that I didn't have to explain to the teacher why I needed to go. I agree that children should not be allowed to go in groups and that when one person goes, the other person has to wait back before they go.

This is just my personal opinion!
our school toliets r locked and when kids get a chance 2 go to the toliet during lessons they dont lock them afterwards so any kid who is desperate after a lesson can nip in since its 2 lessons (50 mins) between going past. them. sometimes kids will go into staff toliets instead. its just a matter of wen your gonna burst in the lessons! :-\
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