Can pigs catch colds ?

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Just wondering if guineas can catch colds from humans? I have a horrid cold/virus thing at the moment and am a bit worried about being around the pigs especially the babies. I've had a quick look around the net and some sites say no and others yes ::)
They do say that guineas can contract certain human diseases, I would try and stay away until you are better or try not to breathe on them lots :) ;)
I want to know this to as me and oh have had very bad cold he has had it 2 weeks I am on 1st week and today Fugly sneezed twice and looks like he has one runny nostril.

Have listened to his chest it sounds fine, eyes are clear and he is active and eating so just keeping an eye on him at the moment, hoping its not related.

Would be great to hear what others think.
It depends if the cold is viral or bacterial, I think this influences whether the piggie can contract it from you
I'm convinced I caught my cold (now tonsilitus ) off Todd, he was sneazing loads all over me about 4 days ago then I had a cold! Haven't got a clue whether theres any truth in it or not!
The common cold is caused by a virus,not a bacteria and gps cannot get it.There is not really anything that can be passed from gp to human except ringworm.
Yep, they can't get colds but they can catch a chest infection. Sometimes in humans it's hard to tell what's caused by a virus and what's not so it's best to keep them at arms' length just in case.
I'm still gonna blame him! Only kidding bless him, I don't actually think he has a cold I think he is allergic to something possibly me as he always sneezes on me and thats it!
Well I'm a red/brown/copper/auburn/blonde streaked bimbo and they can get allergies. ;)
Yes, apparently piggies can cold the human cold so you are advised to stay away from them when you have one.
Not sure if that was something I had read or something I was told, so unsure how true it is.
Goldie said:
Yes, apparently piggies can cold the human cold so you are advised to stay away from them when you have one.
Not sure if that was something I had read or something I was told, so unsure how true it is.

Piggies can't catch the human cold virus - rhinovirus. This is a primate specific thing!

If you have a chest infection (something like pneumonia) these are caused by bacteria the likes of which piggies can catch.
lawnmower piggy said:
hope it's not HAY FEVER ;D


That may not be as funny, i once had one that was allergic to the hay but eventually got used to it after gradually reintroducing the hay. Sometimes the dust in the hay can make them sneeze though.
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