Can I Add A Neutered Boar To My Two Girls To Stop Their Dominance/bullying Issues ?

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Ok, I I'll ask for it. Sounds safer as it so close her eye

Itrafungol is the best in terms of impact on the kidneys. It is not at all cheap so you want to discuss the pros and cons with your vet. But it is making treatment SOOO much easier than topical treatment and especially creaming the infected patches as it gets to all spots evenly, even the difficult ones!
Hi guys, so we got back from the vet about 40 mins ago. She seems to think it is not a ringworm, but in fact a scab from an attack... I'm not sure if I was impressed with the vet to be honest, but couldn't force them for any I guess now it's a waiting game. If it gets bigger then will take them to the vet, but different one this time. It's all exhausting.
I see... I don't mind paying more if it is better :)
Hi guys, so we got back from the vet about 40 mins ago. She seems to think it is not a ringworm, but in fact a scab from an attack... I'm not sure if I was impressed with the vet to be honest, but couldn't force them for any I guess now it's a waiting game. If it gets bigger then will take them to the vet, but different one this time. It's all exhausting.

I feel for you! At this early stage, it is very difficult to decide what it is, as it can be both. Time will tell - if the patch gets bigger quickly, then it is fungal, if not, it is obviously a scratch wound.
I think she just was reluctant to prescribe any treatment with ought being sure as of course they are such small animals... They're ' minimals' ! :nod:
I think she just was reluctant to prescribe any treatment with ought being sure as of course they are such small animals... They're ' minimals' ! :nod:

Sadly, that is not rarely the case with general vets of the old school. If the affected area is not noticeably larger by tomorrow, I think you are just dealing with a scratch, though. :(
We have got a recommended vet locator on the top bar: Guinea Pig Vet Locator
Yup, I just didn't feel particularly assured that she gave them enough attention, I would have though for £43 she should have! What put me off was that she was reluctant to pick them up, as she was scared of being bitten and surely you can't have that fear if you're a vet! Only after I told her they don't bite she did! :no: Strange thing was she prescribed mite treatment but I'm sure they don't have mites. Their fur is perfectly clean and I always check for abnormalities anyways ... Obviously that was extra charge, but I was so frazzled and worried if probably pay £100! Only now when I sat down I feel a like a tool to be honest as I could have said no to treatment. Seems pointless...
:hmm::hmm:I'm of course going to keep an eye on it. That's all I can do at present.
The vet we went to is the one the list you gave, it's the only pig vet in the area! Yikes!:eek:
Not saying she was definitely wrong, at the end of the day I'm a biased crazy Guinea pig lady with clouded judgement
Oh by the way. I still want to give ginger preventive fungicidal dip, so
Just wanted to check what do I use for it? I googled it,
But comes up with DIY and car products ! :(
If they are not itchy and they have no hair loss or dry skin I am at a loss as to why she would give them mite treatment. It doesn't sound like she knew anything at all. If the practice is usually good then perhaps you just got one of the not so good vets. There is one at my practice that I avoid like the plague. I would ring the vets and speak to the practice manager, I would be tempted to ask return the mite drops and for my money back for the consult.
I don't know about anyone else on here but I use Surolan on fungal infections and other scabby things. They are cat/dog ear drops but they work a treat. I put a little drop on a cotton bud and gently wipe it on the area, very carefully if near the eye of course. It is a prescription only medicine so the vet would have to prescribe it but I use it all they time on stuff just like what you have.
She said it's preventative... £12.50 worth's prevention
I think if this will turn out to be ringworm we will go elsewhere ...
Hi all,

So I checked biscuits wound today and the reddish middle seems to start healing now so I guess it is a scab. I will still keep an eye on it.
We are going to the Rescue in Cambridgeshire tomorrow to have a chat. I have come up with a design for the 2 cages kinda stacked up, but using some forms of table/labels as a support to create space underneath for the base layer cage so we can see through. The victory cage with be on the wheels so we can pull it out easier for cleaning. And it all looks like we will be getting two boys to marry the girls as I don't think they are happy on their own at all. They don't like each other but they need company.
So do you guys thing that 2x4 cage for each couple will be enough?i know it meets the requirements but will it be enough?

She said it's preventative... £12.50 worth's prevention
I think if this will turn out to be ringworm we will go elsewhere ...
That not so bad then. Last time a vet tried to sell me mite drops they cost a fortune.
Hope she heals up soon and good luck at the rescue. I would have thought most couples would be fine with 2x4 if they get floor/run time too.
Hi all, just wanted to update you on further development to our piggy drama.
I've created separate thread to reach as many peeps as possible, as it seems our situation is truly unprecedented.
Thread is 'Bonding-3 failed dates! Is this normal/possible?' .

Please share your thoughts when you have a moment x
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