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Can anyone give me an idea what this growth might be on my piggy’s front paw? 🥺

Definitely thinking of you and your boy and hope everything goes smooth! I know it's scary but there's really no other option with a rapidly-growing lump like that, it needs to come off! Please let us know how everything went!
Thank you everyone so much for your kind words and positive vibes! They called me a few hours later to tell me that surgery went beautifully, and that he was awake and doing well! About 5-6 hours after that, I was able to go back and pick him up, and he did seem to be doing really well! The more the night has gone on, you can tell his pain medicine is wearing off, but I’m praying he’ll keep doing fairly well throughout the night and throughout this entire process. I’m so glad to have this over with, and have my baby boy back home. Thank you again to everybody for your advice and support!
Just check with one of the experts on here if his pain meds are enough x
If anyone does have any advice as far as this goes I would actually really appreciate it. He’s very lethargic this morning as I would’ve assumed, but doesn’t have much of an appetite at all. I syringe fed him about 10-15ml of Emeraid this morning as well as about 5ml of room temp/warm water, and the poop output is definitely lacking. I’m praying he will have some poops in the cage when I get back home in a couple hours. He is currently getting 0.3ml of metacam for 5 days. I gave him his first dose early this morning before the syringe feeding. I personally wish they would’ve given me something better as maybe he would be acting more himself and feeling a little better, but if anyone knows if this is enough, I would appreciate it. He weighed in at 1167g yesterday before the operation. Here is the photo of his tiny bandage too 🥺🥺🥺 my heart.


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Here is the label for the metacam they gave me.
That’s good. It’s the dog one.

So he’s nearly 1.2kg is that right?

I took my piggy Patrick (1.2kg) to the vets yesterday for a hay poke and they prescribed him dog loxicom (it’s the same as metacam) at 0.4 TWICE a day. Piggies can metabolise it very quickly. My vets are the local vet hospital so are very knowledgeable. Hope this helps.
That’s good. It’s the dog one.

So he’s nearly 1.2kg is that right?

I took my piggy Patrick (1.2kg) to the vets yesterday for a hay poke and they prescribed him dog loxicom (it’s the same as metacam) at 0.4 TWICE a day. Piggies can metabolise it very quickly. My vets are the local vet hospital so are very knowledgeable. Hope this helps.
Yes he is! I was hoping they would have me give him something for twice a day for sure. I guess I could give him a little more if that’s the case and he needs it. I’m hoping we’ll be over the worst of it after today!