New Born Pup
Hi everyone. My piggy (Pepper, 4 1/2 year old boy) has this growth on his front left paw that kind of came out of no where one day and got significantly larger over the span of a month or so, maybe two. I asked a couple people in the guinea pig community that run a rescue that I believed would be well informed enough to tell me if it was bumblefoot or not so I could atleast rule that out. They said it didn’t seem to be any form of bumblefoot since his paw pads look fairly healthy and normal. He acts completely normal, but the larger it gets, the more I worry. He also has the type of paws where the nails curl inward at a very short length, which makes it hard to trim them, but I do it as often as I possibly can and as often as he will allow me to. I figured I’d mention that. Any information or advice would be appreciated. Thank you! I am adding the photos I have on my phone for now from about a month or so ago, and I will add the pictures of what it looks like currently when I get home.