Bum bath shampoo


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 19, 2021
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Tico has lymphoma. She has quite a lot of swelling in her neck. A combination of not moving around as much and the swelling making it harder for her to clean means she often has pee in her panties. I give her a bum bath about once a week. She hates them and my house isn't the warmest so I don't want to up the frequency unless she gets significantly muckier and it's affecting her skin.

At the moment I'm using gorgeous guineas lice n easy because that's what I have that's pig suitable. I used baby shampoo for a little while but it smelled very strongly, which I certainly didn't like and I don't think she did either! Is there a problem using the lice shampoo (theoretically medicated?) just as normal shampoo? Should I get some normal gorgeous guineas pig shampoo (or look for unscented baby shampoo)? Water alone wouldn't get enough of the muck out of her fur unless I washed her more often.

I don't think vet bed would help because I tend to give them hay piles and she LOVES a hay nest, so she sits in soggy hay and the vet bed wouldn't help wick. They're currently on fleece and zorb and there's never any sodden patches. The wet hay gets removed twice a day.

Biiiiig fan of the hay nest under the curtain:

As you've got the Lice and Easy I would use it up as they do go out of date and then get a different GG shampoo. All their shampoos are designed for guinea pigs so I don't think the Lice and Easy is going to do any more harm than regular washing with any of their shampoos is going to. Baby shampoo is not recommended for guinea pigs like it used to be the I don't think the ph balance is right for their skin.