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Brook not drinking

  • Thread starter Thread starter Binnie17
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Hey guys, new member here.

Needing some advice. Our 'brook' is 2.5 years old and has a great character about her, but last thursday we noticed she was not eating/drinking and was either bunched up or lying around (not in a normal way). Noticing this straight away we kept an eye on her and with no change we took her to the vets on fri evening. She was kept in overnight :'( and given fluids as she was dehydrated and they also took an ultrasound scan (poor thing has a shaven belly) but it didnt show anything. We got her back saturday morning where she was a more lively. She is eating though not as much as she used to but its something. But she isnt drinking at all and is starting to get dehydrated again. We are feeding her water by syringe which isnt ideal but at least shes getting fluids, but she has no interest in her water bottle or drinking at all! she's doing poo's (not as much as she used to) but she isnt urinating hardly at all! Has anyone had this happen before as the little one is worrying us!?

PS Newby here so hi to all!

Welcome to the forum, did the vets give you any indcation on what the problem could be?
I would try feeding fresh grass as most guineas won't pass on that, syringe feed bio lapis in the water and also vitmain b as it stimulates the apetite.
Until you know the underlying cause of the problem it is hard to give advice. Did they check her teeth at all?
Sometimes piggies get enough fluids from the vegetables they eat... try offering more cucumber, celery and some watermelon. Leave the piggy on a towel or just newspaper to see if there is pee happening and how much.
The other thing, the piggies sometimes just don't like the bottle version, so try offering the water in a shallow, heavy bowl.

If that all fails, go back to the vet. Did they check the piggies teeth?

Good luck!
Hi there and welcome to the forum from us in OZ :)
SO sorry to hear about your little Brook not drinking and not too well :'(
I'd add more syringe water feeds and as mackpossum said offer fruits which will have lots of water content (btw my boy never drinks water ...)
Vikki has given you some great advice as well O0 O0 O0
Encourage her by offering any of her fav veggies or fruit, they must keep eating constantly O0
All the very very best, please keep us updated on little Brook :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
mmmm yes were her toofies and i mean the molars (back ones) check out ?
I agree with the above - offering fruit with plenty of water in it. My other suspicion (like the others) suggested is her back teeth. They can cause big problems if they need to be cut. Hope she is feeling better soon x
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