Ok, so a little update.
Firstly, we have decided to change Herbies name to Briar.......That's if we decide to keep him after the two to three weeks is up.
Secondly, and most importantly, this is the behaviour we are seeing so far. They have been winding each other up through the bars quite a bit, Bramble has been rumble strutting and being very vocal! Sometimes he will just come out from where he's stood and start really loudly wheeking for a couple of minutes (Or less), and this morning he did this even more so when we were cleaning out Brambles cage (Well a cross between spot cleaning and cleaning out - just removing any wet paper, beds etc., as we do every morning) and we had to put Briars cage on the ground, to get to Brambles cage!
While Briar was on the floor in his cage, Bramble just started wheeking and wheeking out of the blue, and looking down to where Briar was. It was really strange, because it was as if he was distressed that Briar was no longer right next to him in his cage!
Briar often chews on the bars as if to try and get Brambles attention and he is often staring into Brambles cage, sometimes when Bramble is looking into Briars face through the bars, Briar will chatter his teeth, usually in response to Brambles rumblestrutting.
Generally it's pretty calm in both cages, but I do have a feeling that these two will never be able to live in the same cage together. My husband and I did wonder though whether, as they both get past a year old or so, if they might maybe start to mellow, as their hormone levels drop a bit.
So, maybe they could actually get on and live in the same cage, one day?
Even though this set up for us, is a bit awkward, with having to remove one cage just to get to spot clean/have total access to the other cage, Briar's already been in two different places since he was born, so we don't really want to give him back to the rescue in a couple of weeks, even if we have to keep them separate this way for a long time....As awkward as it is. Also we have to think about the summer, because we bought Bracken and Bramble a massive run to go out in the garden in, so we will have to think about how to keep them separate in there too!