Boy or girl?


New Born Pup
Feb 24, 2025
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Hello, just wanting some advice on my little piggie. We have 4 girls (well I’m hoping 4).
I was told they were all girls and they were checked by someone I trust however she looks a slightly different than the others.
I’m hoping it’s just me being anxious as we don’t want babies.
When I push on her abdomen gently nothing seems to pop out! I have looked at way too many photos of Guinea pig genitals that I’m now so confused! 😂
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Awwww they are gorgeous 🥰. Welcome to the forum. Someone will be along soon to advise you.
Here are the photos

Hi and welcome

Thank you for the clear photos. This is definitely a girl, too with 3 clear gender markers.

Here is the relevant comparison picture from our Sexing guide. See whether you can spot three female 'giveaways', too.

The natural variation in sexual organs is as wide in guinea pigs as it is in humans; your girl is still very much within parameters. Unfortunately, between sheer ignorance (not knowing where exactly to look - which is sadly still very widespread) and gender markings that can be naturally confusing - especially in young guinea pigs and boars under 4 months with not yet descended testicles - mis-sexing is sadly still very common.

This is why we run a courtesy sexing service and an unplanned pregnancy & babies support corner on this forum even though we are strictly no intentional breeding place. :)
Thank you so much, i really appreciate your help. I thought she was but just confused after looking at so many photos!
I will have some very excited children tomorrow when we learn Queenie is definitely not a Kingy.

It is always such a relief when we can confirm the intended gender and you do not have to worry about potential pregnancies... 👍

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