Boris the boar - would he continue his behaviour with sows?

He was supposed to go to the vet yesterday. I wasn't home (am housesitting), so my mum was handling things. She asked the vet to call in addition to the appointment that evening. The vet called, and said there wasn't a need to bring Boris in; we should continue with meds as is. I'm not happy with this. He has gone downhill. Heavy wheezing, frequent fits (even in his cage without apparent trigger). Steam helps a little with his breathing, at least.

We are calling the vet again today. I am adamant we go in. I think Boris needs his antibiotics TWICE a day, and has been undermedicated so far and that's why he's not been improving. His course ended two days ago. I'd also like some metacam and something for nausea. He seems to be in a great deal of pain at times.

The only bright spot is that he still has an enormous appetite. He is alert and responsive, even at his worst.

I really worry that he's too far gone, and that his infections have run rampant too long for recovery. I've been doing my best, and goodness knows Boris has been doing his, but I don't know if it's enough. I'm completely heartbroken and feel helpless
I'm sorry Boris is having so many problems, I hope your vet can do more to help him.

It might be a good idea for you to start a new thread in the Health and Illness section for these current issues, so that your questions get seen by the right people who can advise. You can include a link to this thread for background in any new thread you start.
So sorry, poor Boris. You could suggest this to the vet, guinea pigs have a high metabolism. Do you think these fits are being caused by mites? It’s just a thought because heavy infestations can cause guinea pigs to fit
Hope you get some help from the vet today 🤞

List of AB’s and dosage might help? Guinea Lynx :: Antibiotics