Bonding piggies after bereavement


New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2021
Reaction score
Dear all,
I wonder if anyone can advise please.
Sadly we have had to have our 4.5yr boar Woody put down today. This leaves his 4yr sow mate Lychee on her own. I already have 2 other 4.5yr old piggies, boar and sow. They used to live all together when they were young but the boars started to fight so I had them neutered and paired them both with a sow.
They live in a 6ft double hutch, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom and have done so for about 3.5yrs now. They obviously hear each other and in summer were occasionally put in a run together but have not done this since last summer.
I am wondering if I can introduce Lychee to the other two? I do not want to bring in any other piggies. Thank you in advance.
I’m so sorry for your loss.

You can certainly try to bond her with the other pair but I would warn you that an older bonded pair can be rather unlikely to accept a new older sow. And older sows can sometimes be unwilling to accept new company.

You won’t know unless and until you try to bond them on neutral territory though.

In the event the bonding doesn’t work, unfortunately living above each other as a single pig is far from ideal. They lose all ability to communicate when in stacked cages so a single pigs needs to be side by side for 24/7 through the bar interaction with other pigs.

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Thank you for your prompt response, I appreciate it. I will follow guidelines and see if they bond, I am very much hoping they will.