Things are continuing to improve!
Saturday afternoon was the best time - Terrence didn't chatter his teeth once at Patch, and Patch was leaving him along to drink water, eat hay, etc. Or, if Terrence was at a piece of hay that Patch wanted, he let Terrence know politely and Terrence moved off with no issues.
Sunday we had a few grumbles/teeth chatters, and we've had the same today, but it's like a switch slipped on Saturday lunchtime, and it's mostly stayed that way since. So hopefully... fingers crossed
they've made it!
Patch is so much more settled which I think hugely helps. I've told Terrence that as the older piggie, we know he's in charge really, he just needs to let Patch think that he's in charge
seems to have done the trick anyway
Aside from keeping an eyeout whilst we could still be in the dominance phase, and over the next or so for any mad hormone spikes on Patch's part, is there anything you'd advise doing to help them/keep an eye?
Thanks again everyone for your help with this. Here's a photo from Friday - you can see how flopped and chilled Terrence is!