Bonding 2 Boars


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2007
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I haven't been on here for a long long time but since my last visit I have lost one of my boys, Chester to old age so was left with Sylvester on his own. Sylvester is nearly 5. I waited a few weeks trying to decide whether to get him a friend, then one popped up on pre-loved near to me and I couldn't resist. So I now have Percy, 18 months, very skittish, not been handled much and lived with another boar but they fell out. I didn't know that until I went to pick him up otherwise I might have thought twice about taking him but once I was there it was too late. I have had Percy for 4 weeks now, he has been living in a cage on top of Sylvesters and sharing a run with a mesh divider. Today I have decided to go for it and put them together. They are in my lean to shed loose on the floor with hay and food scattered around. They have been in there an hour and so far it is not going too badly although I have just noticed a little bit of blood on Sylvesters ear so Percy must have nipped him. Sylvester just wants to eat and does not seem bothered by having another boy in with him, Percy is doing lots of squaring up to him, rumbling and teeth chattering. Sylvester will chatter his teeth back if Percy gets right in his face. I have bonded boys before but find it all very nerve wracking. I'm here all day today so will see how it goes but worry about leaving them overnight. Sylvester doesn't look very happy at the moment, I'm worried that maybe he likes his quiet life on his own and maybe I shouldn't be forcing a younger pig on him? I have the option of them both living separately if necessary but is that fair on Percy as he is so much younger?

One more question, when Percy squares up to Sylvester teeth chattering should I try to stop him by a loud clap or anything?
Thank you, I have limited experience and still find it scary!
No do not clap just sit tight though I know it's hard. You have to let them establish who is the dominant member. And I wouldn't worry about the spot of blood on the ear- that happened when I bonded Mo with Steve and I'm pretty sure it was accidental. It's great that you're there all day so they get plenty of time to do their thing. I think you've done the right thing in getting a friend. There's times when my new boar seems to be a bit too boisterous with my Mo but the next minute they're popcorning together and cuddling so I know they're happy.
We seem to be doing well. They have both been resting for over an hour, they both have a childs plastic step to rest under and once Percy had decided which one he wanted (was running back and forth between the 2 for a while before he chose the blue one and let Sylvester have the green one!) they both settled down. For the last 20 minutes Percy has been under Sylvester's step and has gradually pushed him out but Sylvester is just resting at the side so they are alongside each other. I have cleaned out the cages, the one they are going to live in has been cleaned thoroughly with white vinegar and water. I think I will give them a couple more hours in the shed then put them into the cage so I have a few hours to keep an eye on them before bedtime. Fingers crossed this works, I'm really hopeful it will.
I haven't been on here for a long long time but since my last visit I have lost one of my boys, Chester to old age so was left with Sylvester on his own. Sylvester is nearly 5. I waited a few weeks trying to decide whether to get him a friend, then one popped up on pre-loved near to me and I couldn't resist. So I now have Percy, 18 months, very skittish, not been handled much and lived with another boar but they fell out. I didn't know that until I went to pick him up otherwise I might have thought twice about taking him but once I was there it was too late. I have had Percy for 4 weeks now, he has been living in a cage on top of Sylvesters and sharing a run with a mesh divider. Today I have decided to go for it and put them together. They are in my lean to shed loose on the floor with hay and food scattered around. They have been in there an hour and so far it is not going too badly although I have just noticed a little bit of blood on Sylvesters ear so Percy must have nipped him. Sylvester just wants to eat and does not seem bothered by having another boy in with him, Percy is doing lots of squaring up to him, rumbling and teeth chattering. Sylvester will chatter his teeth back if Percy gets right in his face. I have bonded boys before but find it all very nerve wracking. I'm here all day today so will see how it goes but worry about leaving them overnight. Sylvester doesn't look very happy at the moment, I'm worried that maybe he likes his quiet life on his own and maybe I shouldn't be forcing a younger pig on him? I have the option of them both living separately if necessary but is that fair on Percy as he is so much younger?

One more question, when Percy squares up to Sylvester teeth chattering should I try to stop him by a loud clap or anything?

Hi! Please do not interfere with the bonding while it is underway unless you need to separate in case of a fight. It is ultimately not going to help.

See how they are after they have had their first map together and how they react to the other's presence afterwards. At leat with boars you always know where you stand. They are generally upfront about about their relationship.

Please take the time to read our very detailed bonding guide: Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
I have moved them into the utility room now which is where they live, but I haven't put them in the cage. I have put them in a run for the time being as it is bigger than the cage they will be living in. They have 2 of everything in there. They are mostly quiet, just resting but every so often Percy will just go and stand in front of Sylvester and chatter his teeth, sometimes then chasing him. This has only happened a couple of times in the last couple of hours. He has nipped Sylvester on the ear again drawing a little bit of blood, Sylvester does not retaliate. I have read the bonding guide and what they are doing all seems normal but the blood worries me a little, that's twice today he's drawn blood.
Here they are, Sylvester is at the front and Percy is under the step. Sylvester has grown considerably since my profile picture!
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The blood on the ear has me as bit concerned but if it was a one time thing id keep a close eye if blood is drawn again id seperate and let them live in seperate cages but near each other and do that for awhile and try again
These 2 have been in the run overnight and all day today. I have spent some time this evening watching them eating. When Sylvester eats Percy will chase him away from the food. He doesn't eat it himself, just doesn't want Sylvester to have it. They have 2 food bowls, one each end of the run and I cut their vegetables up for tea and scattered them around. I have just put 2 large handfuls of hay in, one each end, and Percy straight away chased Sylvester as soon as he started eating it. The rest of the time they are fine, Percy has even snuggled up next to Sylvester a few times when he is resting. Is this just Percy being dominant? I have made sure Sylvester has eaten by sitting next to the run and hand feeding him. Percy leaves him alone if I'm there.
How big is the run as boars with age can be very territorial..and need space. At least 8 sqft.sorry live in US not as formilar with metric so not sure what that equates to..if any lease no matter what you do they will fight over it as they both need their own space I have 2 boars and have 3 cages joined together just for them ..they eat together no problem but they are always sizing the other up but never any fighting or chasing a little chin lifting and all is yeah it's sounds,like a classic case,of I was here first it's all mine you can't have any so I'm going to bully you..which can lead to a depressed piggy.
Aw what gorgeous boys, sounds like it's going well. Hopefully a success by the sounds of it! :D

Now it's just a waiting game and observing them like you're doing, it all sounds like normal piggy behaviour rather than bullying to me. In the early days my girls were always chasing each other away from food, kicking each other out of hides, nipping at one another and generally being cows :)) It should soon settle down.

From what I understand of boars it sounds promising anyway, having a relaxed pig like Sylvester accepting a bossy pig like Percy who secretly snuggle when they think you're not looking :P

Good luck! :D
How big is the run as boars with age can be very territorial..and need space. At least 8 sqft.sorry live in US not as formilar with metric so not sure what that equates to..if any lease no matter what you do they will fight over it as they both need their own space I have 2 boars and have 3 cages joined together just for them ..they eat together no problem but they are always sizing the other up but never any fighting or chasing a little chin lifting and all is yeah it's sounds,like a classic case,of I was here first it's all mine you can't have any so I'm going to bully you..which can lead to a depressed piggy.
The run is 5ft x 2.5ft. The cage they will live in once bonded is 4ft x 2ft (8 square feet). I will keep them in the run for a few days and monitor them when eating. I'm hoping Percy will settle down as it would be a shame to separate them just because they don't get on at food time, but obviously I don't want Sylvester to be bullied so I am keeping a close eye on him.
The run is 5ft x 2.5ft. The cage they will live in once bonded is 4ft x 2ft (8 square feet). I will keep them in the run for a few days and monitor them when eating. I'm hoping Percy will settle down as it would be a shame to separate them just because they don't get on at food time, but obviously I don't want Sylvester to be bullied so I am keeping a close eye on him.
Minimum sqft for 2 boars that I'm comfortable with is 16 sqft I have 24 sqft for mine at the moment...the more room you give them the happier they will be..
When bonding boars, you need to give them lots of space and lots to do. I have successfully bonded three boars and used those tips to help. Don't stop them from mounting one another as it's just how they find dominance. It sounds like it's going well for you! Any piggie can chase another away from food as, when they were in the wild, they would've had to have fended for themselves xx
Minimum sqft for 2 boars that I'm comfortable with is 16 sqft I have 24 sqft for mine at the moment...the more room you give them the happier they will be..
Lucky guinea pigs having that much space. I don't think many people would have the room to provide an area that large, I certainly haven't. I have a 6ft run out in the garden for them but it wouldn't fit in the utility room so 5ft is the biggest I can give them.

When bonding boars, you need to give them lots of space and lots to do. I have successfully bonded three boars and used those tips to help. Don't stop them from mounting one another as it's just how they find dominance. It sounds like it's going well for you! Any piggie can chase another away from food as, when they were in the wild, they would've had to have fended for themselves xx
They have not mounted each other at all which I find a little strange as all boars I have had in the past incessantly mount each other in the beginning. They have just briefly shared a pile of grass but then Percy chased Sylvester away. I see it as a small positive step though.
These 2 have been living together for almost a week now. I am concerned though that Sylvester is not happy. Most of the time they lay at opposite ends of the cage, Percy under a step and Sylvester under the ramp that leads up to a small 2nd floor. The cage is the one that Sylvester lived in with my other boy Chester and then on his own for a few months. Percy happily wanders around the whole cage making full use of all the space. Sylvester will come out to eat but often Percy will chase him back under the ramp so I make sure there is food under and close to the ramp so he can get to it easily. He is spending pretty much all of his time under there. He used to use all of the cage to wander around, and would always come out to see me when I was nearby, coming up to the bars to see if I had anything for him. Now he just sticks his head out from under the ramp. How long do you think I should give it to see if he is going to be happy living with Percy? The cage is not big enough to split into 2 so if I seperated them they would have to be in separate cages.