Boar Behaviour. Normal?


New Born Pup
Jan 11, 2017
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Hello everyone! I am hoping I can get some advice.
I have two boars and have had them for a little over a year now. Ive read up on manly piggy behaviour and had assumed eventually they would calm down with testing each others dominance but that has never happened. Recently one of my pigs has started to mount the other. The other doesnt seem to really like it but does accept it and they then have a lie down together. Its new behaviour for them and I wanted to check if this sounds alright? Is this something normal and something to expect to see happening forever?
Everything I read seems to lead to chilled out pigs and mine seem far from it, even after over a year of living together. They have never fought and actually get quite upset if they are seperated and cant find/see each other so I dont think its a hate relationship but maybe its just a little fiesty?
I just want to double check as these are my first pigs and I would hate to think I wasnt looking after them correctly.
It sounds about right to me for boars. The most telling things you said are that they lie down together and they don't seem to like being separated. That sounds like a good strong bond they have....but you know what boys are like...they just like to show off and strut their stuff a bit. :roll:
Hello everyone! I am hoping I can get some advice.
I have two boars and have had them for a little over a year now. Ive read up on manly piggy behaviour and had assumed eventually they would calm down with testing each others dominance but that has never happened. Recently one of my pigs has started to mount the other. The other doesnt seem to really like it but does accept it and they then have a lie down together. Its new behaviour for them and I wanted to check if this sounds alright? Is this something normal and something to expect to see happening forever?
Everything I read seems to lead to chilled out pigs and mine seem far from it, even after over a year of living together. They have never fought and actually get quite upset if they are seperated and cant find/see each other so I dont think its a hate relationship but maybe its just a little fiesty?
I just want to double check as these are my first pigs and I would hate to think I wasnt looking after them correctly.

That is very normal boar and still very mild boar behaviour, unless it is truly incessant to the degree that the companion cannot eat, drink or sleep in peace. Boars at that age can still get the odd hormonal spike, but it generally doesn't lead to a fall-out anymore.
If your boys are lying down together after some hanky panky, they are very well and firmly bonded. Boars will always exhibit some boarly behaviour. Yours sounds very much in the mild range. To be honest, rejoice that you have got such a closely bonded pair!
Sounds about right for boars who love each other:)). My 3 year olds are like this I think they do it because they can. My 10 month olds are a little more heated in their mounting and what we call their rumble grumbles, they start every evening about 7pm. Once the chasing has finished they lie down together and sleep.
My two boys do that sometimes.. XD They're silly. My bigger boar will mount the little one's bum, and then the little one will have a go at his face in return, and then they go off to munch hay together and popcorn all around. I think it's totally normal as long as the "victim" isn't being mounted constantly, doesn't seem depressed or withdrawn, and they are still acting normally together otherwise. Boars are such mysterious creatures :blink:
Sounds like normal Boars to me too. Lol. Mine are always rumblestrutting, not so much leapfrogging now though with mine but they are 2 and 3 years old now.
Boars are such mysterious creatures :blink:


Boars can be absolute idiots, let's be realistic about these things lol.

@Bizzyboo your pair sounds very much like mine. Strong bonds ftw! My two have never fallen out, just have this occasional sibling moment of "I can't believe I live with you". One tries to hump the other and either falls off or gets booted in the face for his trouble, and they both like to rumble at each other whilst popcorning (one day, I'll understand why, but til then...). You could write a book on strange, madcap boar behaviour, there's that much of it.