Senior Guinea Pig
Blodwen trots cheerfully out for breakfast...
"Good morning mummy! You know I am your special girl who is most xpensive at the vets?"
"Good morning Blod, you are a very special girl and I'm glad you aren't wheezing much today."
"Remember when I arrived with ringworm and bad teethies?"
"Yes Blod that was a big worry but the nice vet made you better, you were well worth the £350 we spent the first week you were here."
"Remember when my grease gland got infected? Then my lady bits got infected too with the custardy gunk coming out?"
"Gosh yes that was 3 years ago now and it was 3 vet trips and a course of baytril but you were ok."
"Remember the year I had honky wheezing motor bike duck breathing infections? We went to the vet lots!"
" Aw of course I remember my little honky princess, 6 vet trips in 6 months and baytril and more baytril then sulfatrim then xrays then the referral to Dr Molly and more xrays and scans and tests and chlamydia pneumonia and the doxycycline then you stopped eating and had gut stasis and all those probiotics and syringe feeds... I'm glad you got better even if you still wheeze and it cost £3000 to get rid of the nasty chlamydia honks."
"Remember when you thought I had ovarian cysts cos I kept humping everypig's face and I got that xpensive bikini shave and ultrasound scan? Then I didnt have cysts at all wasn't that funny!"
"I remember Blod, I'm very glad you don't have any cysts even if you got a £170 haircut that day".
"And you know I have that vet appointment tomorrow for that little growth on my eyelid that probably isn't worth a vet trip?"
"Yes Blod we're off to see Dr Clare tomorrow just in case."
" Well I thought mummy seeing as you like taking me to the vet so much... I would get a UTI too? (Blod turns round, omg those are very wet smelly pyjamas...) I have smelly wee pants, look I'm soaked, it's a right mess! Do you think Dr Clare will be impressed? And I will be even more xpensive? I know you like taking me to the vet and spending all your money on me cos we go there loads and loads... can you change my bed too please? Its lots of yucky wee! I weed on Clover too, you might want to do a bath..."
I do love Blodwen so much, but anyone who ever thought piggies were cheap... go buy a horse instead lol! Blod is now getting on for costing £4000. Totally worth every penny, I'm very lucky to have than many pennies... actually the vet now has all those pennies lol...
Best order some fibreplex and recovery food now ahead of tomorrow's antibiotics!
"Good morning mummy! You know I am your special girl who is most xpensive at the vets?"
"Good morning Blod, you are a very special girl and I'm glad you aren't wheezing much today."
"Remember when I arrived with ringworm and bad teethies?"
"Yes Blod that was a big worry but the nice vet made you better, you were well worth the £350 we spent the first week you were here."
"Remember when my grease gland got infected? Then my lady bits got infected too with the custardy gunk coming out?"
"Gosh yes that was 3 years ago now and it was 3 vet trips and a course of baytril but you were ok."
"Remember the year I had honky wheezing motor bike duck breathing infections? We went to the vet lots!"
" Aw of course I remember my little honky princess, 6 vet trips in 6 months and baytril and more baytril then sulfatrim then xrays then the referral to Dr Molly and more xrays and scans and tests and chlamydia pneumonia and the doxycycline then you stopped eating and had gut stasis and all those probiotics and syringe feeds... I'm glad you got better even if you still wheeze and it cost £3000 to get rid of the nasty chlamydia honks."
"Remember when you thought I had ovarian cysts cos I kept humping everypig's face and I got that xpensive bikini shave and ultrasound scan? Then I didnt have cysts at all wasn't that funny!"
"I remember Blod, I'm very glad you don't have any cysts even if you got a £170 haircut that day".
"And you know I have that vet appointment tomorrow for that little growth on my eyelid that probably isn't worth a vet trip?"
"Yes Blod we're off to see Dr Clare tomorrow just in case."
" Well I thought mummy seeing as you like taking me to the vet so much... I would get a UTI too? (Blod turns round, omg those are very wet smelly pyjamas...) I have smelly wee pants, look I'm soaked, it's a right mess! Do you think Dr Clare will be impressed? And I will be even more xpensive? I know you like taking me to the vet and spending all your money on me cos we go there loads and loads... can you change my bed too please? Its lots of yucky wee! I weed on Clover too, you might want to do a bath..."
I do love Blodwen so much, but anyone who ever thought piggies were cheap... go buy a horse instead lol! Blod is now getting on for costing £4000. Totally worth every penny, I'm very lucky to have than many pennies... actually the vet now has all those pennies lol...
Best order some fibreplex and recovery food now ahead of tomorrow's antibiotics!