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Blodwen setting a new record for vet trips and vet bills!


Senior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
Blodwen trots cheerfully out for breakfast...
"Good morning mummy! You know I am your special girl who is most xpensive at the vets?"
"Good morning Blod, you are a very special girl and I'm glad you aren't wheezing much today."
"Remember when I arrived with ringworm and bad teethies?"
"Yes Blod that was a big worry but the nice vet made you better, you were well worth the £350 we spent the first week you were here."
"Remember when my grease gland got infected? Then my lady bits got infected too with the custardy gunk coming out?"
"Gosh yes that was 3 years ago now and it was 3 vet trips and a course of baytril but you were ok."
"Remember the year I had honky wheezing motor bike duck breathing infections? We went to the vet lots!"
" Aw of course I remember my little honky princess, 6 vet trips in 6 months and baytril and more baytril then sulfatrim then xrays then the referral to Dr Molly and more xrays and scans and tests and chlamydia pneumonia and the doxycycline then you stopped eating and had gut stasis and all those probiotics and syringe feeds... I'm glad you got better even if you still wheeze and it cost £3000 to get rid of the nasty chlamydia honks."
"Remember when you thought I had ovarian cysts cos I kept humping everypig's face and I got that xpensive bikini shave and ultrasound scan? Then I didnt have cysts at all wasn't that funny!"
"I remember Blod, I'm very glad you don't have any cysts even if you got a £170 haircut that day".
"And you know I have that vet appointment tomorrow for that little growth on my eyelid that probably isn't worth a vet trip?"
"Yes Blod we're off to see Dr Clare tomorrow just in case."
" Well I thought mummy seeing as you like taking me to the vet so much... I would get a UTI too? (Blod turns round, omg those are very wet smelly pyjamas...) I have smelly wee pants, look I'm soaked, it's a right mess! Do you think Dr Clare will be impressed? And I will be even more xpensive? I know you like taking me to the vet and spending all your money on me cos we go there loads and loads... can you change my bed too please? Its lots of yucky wee! I weed on Clover too, you might want to do a bath..."
I do love Blodwen so much, but anyone who ever thought piggies were cheap... go buy a horse instead lol! Blod is now getting on for costing £4000. Totally worth every penny, I'm very lucky to have than many pennies... actually the vet now has all those pennies lol...
Best order some fibreplex and recovery food now ahead of tomorrow's antibiotics!
I know I shouldn't really laugh, but the way Blodwen tells the story....

I hope she feels better after another trip to the vet.
My only worry at this point would be that you vet has made so much money from Blodwen that she will retire early and move to the Bahamas :D
She seems absolutely fine in herself, perfectly happy, but... soaked and stinky today. Not wheezing though at least, she'll be saving that for tomorrow- Blodwen does do her best to look horribly neglected and ill even on the rare occasions when she's healthy for a few weeks, she's a cheerful chubby little soul despite always being at the vet!
Poor Blod I hope she is going to be okay!
There is always one, we were just saying yesterday Pepper has cost us around £800 so far and Pringle a mere £50 🫣
Poor Blod I hope she is going to be okay!
There is always one, we were just saying yesterday Pepper has cost us around £800 so far and Pringle a mere £50 🫣
Yes with 9 piggies I'm glad it's not all of them lol, neither of my boars has ever been ill yet (touch wood paws crossed) and Lavender hasn't needed the vet yet, a few of my other girls have had health episodes that resolved- Piggle with a couple of UTIs that cleared up in a week and suspected ovarian cysts that were a false alarm and just her natural hormonal personality, Puggle had a run of repetitive bloat that resolved on the day we were prescribed 6 months of gut meds in advance for when it recurred (it never did after that, despite previously occuring every other weekend!), Clover has her arthritic legs, rainbow bridge Tallulah had recurring conjunctivitis...
But Blod has everything wrong lol, she's a very special girl! She was given away by a nasty mercenary backyard breeder who didnt think she was worth the vet bills, which always makes me sad but also very happy to be the person who take Blod to the very best vets whenever she needs it.
She's worth it, but very wonky :)
Poor Blod and poor your wallet! Hope the appointment goes well. Good that she found you to keep her so well and safe and happy, she really landed in the right place didn’t she!
Oh Blod, you really are trying to break the record for the piggy with the most visits to the vet. Hope you are feeling better soon. xx
Blod is a very lucky piggy that she has you to care for her and spend ££££££££££££ in vet bills for her.

Does Blod like Oxbow Critical Care, aniseed flavour?

I have quite a bit left from when Phoebe was ill if you would like me to send it to you.
Blod you know how to spend Mummy’s hard earned cash don’t you, but you are worth every penny 😊

Gosh I wouldn’t like to add up the amount of money my dental piggie Ted cost me over a three year period :yikes: with dentals and 600 mile round trips.

To anyone out there considering getting a couple of piggies, do consider the vets bills if you were unlucky enough to have a “high maintenance” piggie
Oh Blodwen, you really know how to keep your hoomans on their toes. Hope you are feeling better soon.
perhaps you should change your name to Princess Blod.x
Blod is a very lucky piggy that she has you to care for her and spend ££££££££££££ in vet bills for her.

Does Blod like Oxbow Critical Care, aniseed flavour?

I have quite a bit left from when Phoebe was ill if you would like me to send it to you.
We've never tried aniseed critical care but we'd be happy to try it if it's going spare, thanks Heather :)
I've ordered Burgess dual recovery this time because it was half the price of our usual SS recovery plus... and fibreplex wont ship until Thursday so I ordered some Biolapis too, I dont know if that's any good but it comes in 6 individual use sachets which is good for Blod because she usualky just needs a couple of days of probiotic, but she has antibiotics quite a lot.
I wonder if she just wants some grapes, she hasnt had grapes in over a year, I'd never even thought of giving piggies grapes til Blod was here and my late rainbow bridge Mum turned up one Sunday with a bag of grapes "for the patient, poorly people always have grapes" lol so I gave it a go and Blod does love half a grape when she needs to have medicine!
Sending Blodwen healing vibes, good luck with the vet visit.
My vets recommend bio lapis so hopefully it will do the job.
The vet cost record here was set by Bracken at just short of £7,000, I really hope Blod doesn't do that to you! Guinea pigs are definitely not a cheap children's pet!
Sending Blodwen healing vibes, good luck with the vet visit.
My vets recommend bio lapis so hopefully it will do the job.
The vet cost record here was set by Bracken at just short of £7,000, I really hope Blod doesn't do that to you! Guinea pigs are definitely not a cheap children's pet!
Oh wow, that’s a serious amount of money, you are right though, guinea pigs are not a cheap children's pet
Oh Blod. We can only laugh although it must have been eye watering to add up all those costs. But as you say, you’re worth it. Hope you’re feeling better and have less of the smelly wet pyjamas soon.
Blodwen trots cheerfully out for breakfast...
"Good morning mummy! You know I am your special girl who is most xpensive at the vets?"
"Good morning Blod, you are a very special girl and I'm glad you aren't wheezing much today."
"Remember when I arrived with ringworm and bad teethies?"
"Yes Blod that was a big worry but the nice vet made you better, you were well worth the £350 we spent the first week you were here."
"Remember when my grease gland got infected? Then my lady bits got infected too with the custardy gunk coming out?"
"Gosh yes that was 3 years ago now and it was 3 vet trips and a course of baytril but you were ok."
"Remember the year I had honky wheezing motor bike duck breathing infections? We went to the vet lots!"
" Aw of course I remember my little honky princess, 6 vet trips in 6 months and baytril and more baytril then sulfatrim then xrays then the referral to Dr Molly and more xrays and scans and tests and chlamydia pneumonia and the doxycycline then you stopped eating and had gut stasis and all those probiotics and syringe feeds... I'm glad you got better even if you still wheeze and it cost £3000 to get rid of the nasty chlamydia honks."
"Remember when you thought I had ovarian cysts cos I kept humping everypig's face and I got that xpensive bikini shave and ultrasound scan? Then I didnt have cysts at all wasn't that funny!"
"I remember Blod, I'm very glad you don't have any cysts even if you got a £170 haircut that day".
"And you know I have that vet appointment tomorrow for that little growth on my eyelid that probably isn't worth a vet trip?"
"Yes Blod we're off to see Dr Clare tomorrow just in case."
" Well I thought mummy seeing as you like taking me to the vet so much... I would get a UTI too? (Blod turns round, omg those are very wet smelly pyjamas...) I have smelly wee pants, look I'm soaked, it's a right mess! Do you think Dr Clare will be impressed? And I will be even more xpensive? I know you like taking me to the vet and spending all your money on me cos we go there loads and loads... can you change my bed too please? Its lots of yucky wee! I weed on Clover too, you might want to do a bath..."
I do love Blodwen so much, but anyone who ever thought piggies were cheap... go buy a horse instead lol! Blod is now getting on for costing £4000. Totally worth every penny, I'm very lucky to have than many pennies... actually the vet now has all those pennies lol...
Best order some fibreplex and recovery food now ahead of tomorrow's antibiotics!

I feel for you! Some piggies really rack it up, don't they?
We've never tried aniseed critical care but we'd be happy to try it if it's going spare, thanks Heather :)
I've ordered Burgess dual recovery this time because it was half the price of our usual SS recovery plus... and fibreplex wont ship until Thursday so I ordered some Biolapis too, I dont know if that's any good but it comes in 6 individual use sachets which is good for Blod because she usualky just needs a couple of days of probiotic, but she has antibiotics quite a lot.
I wonder if she just wants some grapes, she hasnt had grapes in over a year, I'd never even thought of giving piggies grapes til Blod was here and my late rainbow bridge Mum turned up one Sunday with a bag of grapes "for the patient, poorly people always have grapes" lol so I gave it a go and Blod does love half a grape when she needs to have medicine!
I’ll pop it in the post for you tomorrow.
Mine love it.
They’ll fight for the syringe if there’s any going but Priscilla and Micah don’t need it really.
Hope Blod enjoys it too.
Dear Micah

I have heard through the grapevine that your Slave has committed a most heinous crime - she has sent your CC food to another piggy! She said that this piggy is more needy than you. What other piggy can be more needy than one of her own piggies? If you suddenly become ill and don't want to/can't eat because you feel so poorly what are you going to do? Starve is what you are going to do while your Slave suddenly has a fit of pique and feels very guilty and hurriedly orders some more. What about Priscilla? If she becomes ill the same will apply to her too. This sending off CC food is just not the done thing and is very wrong.

I have had to refer to the manual Training your Slave : Make Sure you Slave Knows What To Do If You Become Ill And Don't Want To Eat Even Though You Know You Should and on Page 8, Paragraph 6, Subsection 2.1d it distinctly states that "Slaves should have some sort of Recovery Food in at all times" Your Slave is clearly in contravention of this.

The next challenge you (and Priscilla) face is to get her to order you some more CC before you become ill (as you don't really want to become iller while the CC is being ordered).

My suggestions are:-
  1. Make a protest. Whenever she comes into the room hide in your hideys and refuse to come out - that will start to get her worried.
  2. When she walks past your room, if you normally wheek loudly be completely silent or if you're normally completely silent wheek loudly - this will get her even more worried.
  3. Start to bar bite (I know Priscilla is very good at this) while wheeking (you may find this difficult at first but you just need a bit of practice) - this will further worry your Slave.
You can choose which of my suggestions you would like to implement as you know your Slave best and what will worry her most.

Yours not very impressed with the behaviour of your Slave

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward.
Dear Blodwen

The Committee at GPU HQ would like to congratulate you for making your Slaves pay out so much money at the vet. Whilst we were quite upset to learn that you have not been well, we are most impressed that you chose your Slaves so carefully and that they think that you are obviously like the L'Oreal advert "because you're worth it".

Yours hoping you soon feel better
The Committee at GPU Headquarters.
Dear One and Only Thea,
My slave interrupted Priscilla and I while we were eating our hay to tell us about your response.
She said not to worry as there is still a small unopened sachet of CC if we are ill.
She said Blodwen needs the CC more than us as we are big and healthy piggies.
In fact she said I am an enormous boy and we were only getting the CC occasionally so as not to waste it.
I think you worried her about us possibly becoming ill so we are now going to go to the vet for a health check.
Priscilla has already started saving her poop for the vet.
Back to hay munching.
Love from Micah.

PS - I am a very handsome hunk if you want to come and visit
Oh dear poor Blod... just back from the vet, Blod has really outdone herself with illness this time... she might have kidney problems, and also the vet found a weird lump on her back hidden under the fir that wasn't there a week ago and looks like an abscess... she's been referred back to Dr Molly Varga at Rutland house, because she needs blood tests for the kidneys and this big lump investigating and the local vet daren't sedate her because she's such a wheezy girl...
Bit shaken up now and made an appointment in a month because I'm not quite ready to put my wheezy Blod under anaesthesia just yet, but Dr Molly has Blod's case history on her desk now to review on Monday if she wants to call her in sooner for an evaluation.
Poor old Blod the illness queen, no idea how many of her miraculous 9+ lives she has left after cheating death so many times... Blod is just sat eating hay and getting her friends to lick the yucky vet smell off her while weeing on them all, and wondering what all the fuss is about, and was rewarded with a whole babycorn all to herself because she is completely worth it and determined to spend at least another £1000 at the most xpensive vets she can find but... not today, we've had enough today...