Junior Guinea Pig
Thank you for your reply, I was hesitant so glad I didn’t. Don’t want to make her any worse. Maybe I’ll try gripe water then.I don't believe Infacol is recommended as it gathers gas into a bubble to generally be burped up, but piggies can not burp, so will likely just cause more distress. In some severe cases of bloat it has been used but I have never used it personally.
It contains Simethicone which is a anti-flatulence medication, things like gripe water are more preferred.
Her weight fluctuation is normal, you may find this guide helpful -
Weight - Monitoring and Management
A vibrating toothbrush can be good to help break up gas, aswell as bloat massages every 2 hours. Are you still support feeding, even in an eating guinea pig keeping the guts moving via support feed can be very helpful. - Massage Technique for Guinea Pig with Gas - Guinea Lynx Records
She seems totally normal in herself - eating drinking and squeaking for veg.
When she’s gone a little quieter I do give syringe food. I’ve also left some in the cage for her
I might give a little in the evening but she sometimes just eats it from the spoon lol
I am a little on edge as her sister (not sure if biological as I rescued them) died from what I thought was bloat, but the vets did a ultrasound and said it looked like cancer as she had this big belly for months but never seen anything like it, then died a week after.
I was meant to ask for a scan on Monday but I was rushed out the door,
How much support feed would you recommend? Her poops are looking alot better, not 100% but they are much better.
Does bloat usually last this long do you know?
I’m worried as I’m going back into work part time soon, that I won’t be able to keep a close eye on her or top up with as much syringe food