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Bladder issues - I'm at a loss!


Forum Donator 2024/25
Aug 17, 2020
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Hey all, hope you're having a good start of the week.

I'm reaching out because I don't know what to do at this point. I've posted about it on threads here and there, it's a mess and I do apologise as I'd like to help keep the forum clean.

Here's a complete thread for Rosie and her bladder issues. Please if you have any advice or ideas, help us.

Rosie has had sludge all her life. Most of the time it's been alright and she's not feeling discomfort. I filter her water, no pellets, over time worked out a diet that seems to keep the sludge episodes down as much as possible.

  • Fall of 2024, there was a single mystery bloody wee. I swiped Rosie's bum, blood specks. No other symptoms, no more blood. At the vet we checked for stones, nothing. Started an antibiotics course, 2 weeks. Baytril.

  • Winter/end of 2024, the blood returned. There was a bad smell to the urine, pain and squeaking when peeing, blood in every wee. X-ray and ultrasound, no stones, healthy bladder wall, some grainy wee in urethra so some typical sludge. 3 weeks of antibiotics, Baytril, which seemed to do nothing. Also metacam and glucosamine. Glucosamine she has been on for 5 weeks now.
As of today, the blood is in most wee spots and most of her bathroom trips cause pain. She doesn't wee properly either, she goes often and a little bit. But it doesn't smell bad anymore. Otherwise she is maintaining her weight, she's happy, active. Water intake is good.

I have a vet appointment in 2 days with a non-exotic vet, I want to have another ultrasound done and try a different antibiotic. For now Rosie is on metacam and glucosamine, of course.

I tried reaching out to the exotic vet but the clinic just ignored my calls for 45 minutes, closed their number, took other calls, and when I finally got in touch, just told me to e-mail the vet. I'm beyond frustrated because she is very busy and their clinic has more cavy savy vets. But it is what it is.

Have I missed something? What else can I check for?
Hi, oh poor little Rosie. Have you had a wee sample checked by the vet for bacteria? That would confirm if there is actually an infection and also might help the vet decided which is the better antibiotic to prescribe. Just a thought….
Hope you get some answers soon x

I have just left Rosie at the clinic, with her sister for comfort. Something must be on our side because my exotic vet called me last night after hours and told me another client cancelled, so we got an appointment.

We found a .4mm stone that had managed to form in a couple of weeks. It was stuck in her system and hadn't been able to dislodge itself and enter the bladder. My heart is hurting because she will be put on drips, a strong painkiller and a muscle relaxer to help flush out the stone. The vet is excellent and really loves Rosie, it is just heartbreaking that a small animal has to go through that. She doesn't know what's happening. But it could be worse and, thankfully, we have a direction.

A wee sample will also be taken and sent to the lab so we can nail down the bacteria. My vet believes it's a strand of bacteria that aids the growth of stones. It wasn't there just a few weeks ago when we had a check-up. And when it's painful to pee, the wee sits in her system and has time to settle into crystals and stones.

The vet will call me in the evening and I will go by the clinic at around 20:00. If the stone has managed to pass, we will try a new antibiotic.

Come on Rosie, sweet girl!
Rosie’s home ❤️

Very out of it and twitchy when I don’t pet her so I’ve been sitting by her for some time.


The stone managed to enter her bladder so now we are waiting for her to pass it. We have a check up scheduled in a week.

The vet said Rosie was a very brave pig! Big sister Lily was happily munching away all day at the clinic - she’s a weird pig, she actually likes it at the vets. At home she’s giving Rosie space but sleeps nearby, always facing Rosie.

What I find amazing is that the wee sample will be sent into a government funded research lab. Hopefully this programme will help improve piggy medicine!

Rosie is very appreciative of the healing vibes and well wishes. She’s willingly accepted some critical care to feel better again and cause some chaos! For now we will be on Metacam and a new antibiotic.
Rosie has perked up, is happy and active but is not eating well. I support her with recovery food and today some oats. She will come out for a nibble with some encouragement (when hooman sits with her and picks out her favourite bits) but it’s a far cry from how crazy she was about hay.

She’s always hovered around 970g. At the vets she was 935g, today she is 910g.

I will give her a little bit more time as she was under HEAVY painkillers just a few days ago, but if something feels off and the weight keeps dropping, I’ll have her seen. She hasn’t weighed this little ever.


Let’s see :/
Mine loved a small piece of banana mashed in with their Critical Care.
It helped encourage eating and weight gain.