Big ugly sores

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This is my first experience with what I think may be mite/lice, not sure, a few people have told me it's mite that my guineas have, one is worse than the other with biting himself and scratching like mad.

At first I though it was their nails, their nail grow terribly fast and I sometimes leave them bit long and I thought for ages that was causing the sores and scratching.

Then I started researching it as it has become worse now the sores are on both his sides and back and from what I have read it's mite.

Vet's being sooooooooo dear here there just isn't the money to bring them, so I went to a pet store, they gave me a spray and told me to use it every second day until it ran out, which I have been doing and it has made no difference so again I researched it online to only find out today that the sprays are deadly to the guineas :'( I am terribly upset cos I don't want to have done them more harm.

I was recommended to buy a product called 'Ivermectin ' you can get it in drop form or needle, I am petrified of using needles on them :o :o I would be afraid of doing it completely wrong but the drops that I have found are outside Ireland and no one will ship to Ireland, even the needle form are not sold online for Ireland and no one will deliver here.

I am at my wits end as of what to do.

Another Mother told me that they are contagious to human :o :o I am pregnant and she told me that I need to gt rid of the guineas as it can be deadly to my unborn baby, please advise I am up the walls here.e
First of all please don't worry about mites causing you a problem, they can't be passed onto humans and whilst not nice are not life threatening in any sense.

Your piggies however will be very uncomfortable and you will need to see a vet to get an accurate diagnoses, it may not just be mites. Skin conditions are common amongst piggies and it's not always easy to identify the problem, it may be a fungal problem, lice or mites. Whichever it is they will not go by themselves and will need treatment asap.

Try ringing the vets and find out how much a consultation fee is, it may not be as much as you think for a small animal. Buying products from a petshop is generally a waste of money. A good vet can make an accurate diagnoses and save you money and the pigs suffering.

Chrissie at Gorgeous Guineas may ship her shampoo out to you, if you email her she will let you know the cost etc involved. Alternatively you could try and get hold of some Xeno 450 (contains Ivermec) which is a spoton for small animals - you may be able to get it from the vet or somewhere online. It's easy to apply and relatively cheap.

If your piggie has reached the stage where they have sores they really are uncomfortable now so please treat them asap. And you certainly don't need to "get rid" of the guineas, just the skin problem. Good luck, let us know how you get on.
Thank you so much for that, I was in a panic and didn't know what to do, I will phone the vet Monday and get a price from him and I will look into the Xenex Spot on too. many thanks again. :)
I am glad Summerleaze has reassured you :) There is no need to panic but as has been said, your guineas skin will be very itchy and sore. I use Xeno 450 spot on for mne which I get on prescription from the vet. To give you a rough idea, a box of six treatments is about £25, your pigs should only need two each, 10 days apart but if infestation is bad the vet may choose to use an injection.
Hope you get it sorted soon and try not to worry :)
thank you both, I am hoping that the vet is not as expensive as my neighbor tells me if so I may have to give the treatment a go myself, I just worry in case of not doing it right, if it's not injections then I should be OK.

The funny thing is the 2 guineas are in great form, they still love being held and cuddled and they are still eating lots...

thanks again

I am afraid that Ivermectin in any form is only available from a vet.I know they are expensive,but there is NO home treatment that will get rid of mites.If you do not get rid of them quickly the intense irritation will start to cause fits.
that's what my neighbour told me she said they would have fits and die in agony and I haven't stopped crying all day over this, I am searching the Internet for answers ivermectin is not available in Ireland and I can't get it shipped in, Xeno 450 is not available either and can't be shipped in the only thing available is Ivomec and you can't buy that online or in a shop. I will have to wait till Monday to call the vet they don't sit at the weekends.
maryh said:

I am afraid that Ivermectin in any form is only available from a vet.I know they are expensive,but there is NO home treatment that will get rid of mites.If you do not get rid of them quickly the intense irritation will start to cause fits.

Ditto to this, get them treated properly by a vet as soon as possible as if they have sores they will already be in a LOT of pain. You seem unsure about treating yourself so the best plan is not to do it. Ivomec, which you said is available, is perfect and your vet can dose it correctly.

If money is an issue find a vet that will sort out a payment plan. There is no issue with piggies and pregnancy as long as you just exercise caution with hygiene as you would do anyway (washing hands after handling, gloves when cleaning). There are less risks with pigs than with dogs or cats. I have pigs, cleaned them out up until (and including but don't tell anyone) I was in labour so I can testify that there shouldn't be a problem.
I just spoke with vet online ( hope he was for real ) LOL anyway he recommended me a site (UK) and they are sending me Xeno 450 if I can't afford the vet bills that I am to use this, it's liquid form and you pour it on the back of their neck and down their spine.. he said that most vets use this stuff and it is supposed to be briliant.
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