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Big scabs


New Born Pup
Jan 23, 2025
Reaction score
Good day everyone,

My skinny pig Dante suddenly has scabs on his cheek and neck. I’m not entirely sure where it came from and what it is. It started on his cheek then the two on his neck appeared. I attached photos and drew circles on the scabs.

I don’t see any mites and we just went to the vet in mid-January because he was dry, bloated and scratchy. During our visit they gave him something to take care of mites just in case he does have some so I’m second guessing that it’s mites but could it still be that or he’s just simply scratching it or other things?

We’ve been cleaning it with warm salt water and coconut oil. It seems like it was healing and closing up last night but I think he scratch it overnight which makes it bigger.

I guess I need advice as to
  • What can I do?
  • What could it be?
  • What ointment/cream can I put?
  • What could help him to stop from scratching it?
Thank you in advance for your help and advice.


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Please do take him to the vet for a check.
Mites cannot be seen by the human eye so you won’t be able to see anything other than the evidence (and that on a skinny pig is going to be harder to see).

If he had mites back in January and only had one mite treatment at that point then that won’t be enough.
Mite treatment is usually as part of a course of three treatments to kill the full life cycle of the mite. Each treatment only kills the live mites, not eggs, so the eggs would not have been killed by the first treatment and have consequently hatched and caused another infestation. Three treatments are always needed.
There is also the possibility that it isn’t mites and something else is going on.

Please do not put any creams, ointments or coconut oil on him. You will be hiding evidence a vet needs to make a proper diagnosis.
Check that Dantes back nails are trimmed short. Also it looks like you are using fleece? You might need to use a scent free allergy approved laundry soap and rinse it well. Try to avoid treats with added preservatives too incase it is a allergy. Are you using a hay feeder? Id do that so he isn't sitting in hay which could be irritating his skin as well.