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Betty's mammary lumps

Thank you. I really hope so! I hate the stress on them with all these vet visits too, taxis, noisy waiting rooms and then all the poking and prodding when they’re there, she just did the most massive purr to be put back in her own house after today's trip! hopefully she’ll get there in the end with this! Thanks.
Betty’s wound looked a bit better after the glue on Sunday at the vets, but it’s now come open again, I can’t believe how badly this is going.

I can’t tell if it’s infected or just trying to scab back over but it’s a bit leaky with some blood. Any thoughts?

Any effect the glue had has now seemingly gone.

The first photo had a strong flash so that photo looks a lot more yellow than it does in real life. The second photo is without a flash.

I tried to gently dab some saline solution on the area but I didn’t soak it or scrub in case that makes it worse.

I’ll send another photo to the vets first thing but wondered if anyone has any thoughts on what’s happening? I am worried she’ll need more stitches, esp as she doesn’t get on great with GA which I guess she’s need for stitches?

In herself she’s seemingly doing well and gaining weight etc. She didn’t appreciate me fiddling but otherwise doesn’t seem to be in pain generally judging by how she’s moving around. She is almost her old self again personality wise.

She’s still on baytril, metacam and gabapentin which she has been since the op.

We’re trying really hard to avoid handling her but also need to check this wound at least once a day and the only angle you can get a good view of it seems to make it gape, which isn’t great.

We have a follow up on Friday with our main exotic vet but may now need to go in earlier I’m wondering?

Any thoughts or advice or reassurance welcome!


Ps another pic. And just to add that the hay on this pic has gone now- it was stuck in a little crease on her fur rather than stuck inside the wound.