Betsy's Guinea Pigs

I've been looking back at old photos of my piggies and thought I'd show you all this one of my original five all fast asleep on the sofa.
All 5.webp
Starting back left we have Cutey Pie Dennis๐ŸŒˆ then next to him we have Handsome Silver Fox Christian๐ŸŒˆ, then in front of Dennis on the left we have The Ever Beautiful Betsy, Shy Little Meg and :yikes: :yikes: DA BOSS :yikes: :yikes: Velvet๐ŸŒˆ.

Thea (formerly Tara) who was very brave and came out of her carrier immediately the door was opened.

Thea just arrived.webp

and Lexi (formerly Luna) who wasn't quite so brave and is taking a while to come out of the carrier.

Lexi just arrived.webp

They are very fast and it'll be fun trying to do their weekly checks and weigh-ins!
This is wonderful news. ๐Ÿ˜. They are gorgeous. A fantastic outcome for everyone.
Hello Thea and Lexi :wub::wub:welcome to your beautiful new home, glad itโ€™s gone so well x