Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Obviously! I think she likes the attention and the easiness of having water syringed into her gob!
Spike's the same, he loves being syringed, it's funny because under normal circumstances he's not a lap pig at all.
Well I have been ignoring Christian's boy bits for a while cos of his back injury but there comes a time when a boar has to have a good old clean. That time was this morning. Poor boy knew what was coming I think as he squealed when I picked him up (unusual) and then he did NOT like the process of having his clagged up and disgusting willy cleaned :vom:. I told him he had to have it done and he would feel much better when he was nice and clean "down there". Anyway when I had finished he gave me such a look of disapproval:yikes:. He didn't object to the grape afterwards though. :)
Well I have been ignoring Christian's boy bits for a while cos of his back injury but there comes a time when a boar has to have a good old clean. That time was this morning. Poor boy knew what was coming I think as he squealed when I picked him up (unusual) and then he did NOT like the process of having his clagged up and disgusting willy cleaned :vom:. I told him he had to have it done and he would feel much better when he was nice and clean "down there". Anyway when I had finished he gave me such a look of disapproval:yikes:. He didn't object to the grape afterwards though. :)
Yes, Bill and Ted had a “greasy bum and willy” clean last night but NOT before my tea 🤢 They always look so disapproving of me!
Dennis always keeps his bits nice and clean and so does Christian. I put it down to his back injury.
Since splitting my one herd of 5 into two herds of 3 (Christian, Velvet, Meg) and 2 (Dennis and Betsy) back in April, I am pleased to report everyone is very happy. Dennis has put on loads of weight and has gone from 933g before the split to a massive 1022g and is living a very happy life with the love of his life Betsy. He is a lot less skittish than he ever used to be as well. Betsy can't see much now and is quite happy to take food out of my hands without being scared cos she can smell food but can't see me and this has taught Dennis not to be scared. He is also easier to pick up cos he sees Betsy isn't frightened.

Christian, Velvet and Meg have settled into a happy little threesome and they go bimbling about quite happily together. Meg misses Dennis (her partner in crime) a bit but as they share same hutch (3 in the bottom, 2 in the top) she can still smell him. She is a lot more skittish than she was without Dennis being there. Christian and Velvet are very content without all the tension that was around before. Velvet has relaxed not having to keep the peace but they do have the occasional chin off which is inevitable as she used to be top sow and was definitely DA BOSS but in a surprise coup Christian took over.
She has been prescribed 1 drop of Isathal twice a day for 5 days

Velvet's conjunctiva is still a bit swollen so I am going to do the eye drops for another couple of days until it has gone down completely as I don't want it recurring. We are on holiday in a couple of weeks for 10 days so want to make sure she is fine before we go.
Christian, Velvet and Meg have settled into a happy little threesome and they go bimbling about quite happily together. Meg misses Dennis (her partner in crime) a bit but as they share same hutch (3 in the bottom, 2 in the top) she can still smell him. She is a lot more skittish than she was without Dennis being there.

Why did you not put Meg in with Dennis and Betsy? :)
Glad Velvet's eye is bit better.
I agree that it's a good idea to continue the eye drops until she's completely well again.
Why did you not put Meg in with Dennis and Betsy? :)
I did think about it but Meg would be completely lost without Velvet for guidance. It was very obvious to put Dennis and Betsy together and Christian and Velvet it was Meg I worried about splitting up from Dennis but she is better off with Velvet. Meg is the bottom sow and quite content to be there. It was a hard decision to split Meg and Dennis but I had to divide them up somehow.
Awwwww :love:

Such little sweeties!

Sending lots of love to little Velvet, hope her eye gets better soon x
Velvet's conjunctiva is still a bit swollen so I am going to do the eye drops for another couple of days until it has gone down completely as I don't want it recurring. We are on holiday in a couple of weeks for 10 days so want to make sure she is fine before we go.
Conjunctiva is still swollen and Velvet is a bit crackly this morning. I'll be phoning the vet at 9am. She was fine yesterday so if she does have a uri I have caught it in it's very early stages.
Velvet has the very start of a uri and has been given 0.2ml yukky Baytril twice a day for 7 days and as often as possible in a steamy bathroom as I don't have a nebuliser. I can just imagine my sons' reactions if I tell them the have to have a shower with a guinea pig! She has also been given Maxitrol Eye Drops 1 drop twice a day. They are steroid eyedrops and I read on the help page that steroid eyedrops were OK to give piggies if there wasn't anything else. Isathal hasn't sorted the swollen conjunctiva and as we are on holiday in 12 days I want her eye to be back to normal before we go. I still have to syringe feed Velvet water after her Baytril as she still has a bit of bladder sludge. The vet expressed her bladder and she weed on the examination table. Velvet wasn't very happy about that and sounded really angry I'm sure she was swearing at the vet:cen::rant: and she pooped in annoyance.
It is as I thought. Have just given my son the news that Velvet (in her carrier I might add) will be accompanying him into the shower tonight and he was less than amused! I don't think I'd better repeat what he said on a family friendly forum! :cen: :cen:
Poor Velvet, eyes, breathing and bladders all at once! Good thing you caught the URI early, hope the baytril does the trick, Blod pig had the start of a URI a few weeks ago (she was quacking like a duck when she tried to wheek, and snoring) and a course of baytril and a couple of times enduring piggy daddy's singing in the shower got her back to normal in a few days x
Poor Velvet.
Well done catching the URI so promptly and getting to the vet.
Poor beautiful girl is having a rough time of it.
Hope both eye and URI clear up quickly now
Poor Velvet.
Well done catching the URI so promptly and getting to the vet.
Poor beautiful girl is having a rough time of it.
Hope both eye and URI clear up quickly now
Well Velvet has had her first shower steam with me as the boys don't want to have her in with them. She is only in a carrier in the corner of the bathroom so what's the problem with that? Hope with a couple more of those and once the Baytril kicks in she'll start to feel better.
OOOPS! just cleaned out the hutch. Haven't really got enough hay for both top and bottom but I'm getting some more on Monday as my local farm is baling this weekend. Just as well it's summer and the piggies are on the grass all day. There isn't even enough for the hay trays to go in. They are going to be on a thin layer until Monday. I thought I had more than that! I'm sure they will all forgive me though when they have the best green honey smelling hay on Monday.
OOOPS! just cleaned out the hutch. Haven't really got enough hay for both top and bottom but I'm getting some more on Monday as my local farm is baling this weekend. Just as well it's summer and the piggies are on the grass all day. There isn't even enough for the hay trays to go in. They are going to be on a thin layer until Monday. I thought I had more than that! I'm sure they will all forgive me though when they have the best green honey smelling hay on Monday.
Hay shortage is one of my biggest anxieties, this week we almost ran out- Amazon subscribe and save were meant to deliver on sunday then they didn't, so I put in a hay box club order... we were down to our last emergency 2kg bag to share between 8 piggies on monday (plus some readigrass and hay cookies)...
...then on wednesday just as I was cleaning the cages out and wondering what to do about the hay trays, both the Amazon and hay box club hay were delivered, so thankfully I have 30kg of hay now!
If not we could have picked some up from p@h as a last resort while the piggies were having their nail trims at the vet but they are fussy and like the good stuff :)
Good News! My local farm has hay again:yahoo:. 2 weeks ago it was growing in the field. Today my piggies have a hutch full of the best smelling, freshest hay they have ever had! They were so excited they were running through it squealing with delight when they went back in the hutch tonight and immediately started chomping like the hay was going to run out. They've very reluctantly had to eat the far inferior (and A LOT more expensive) P@H hay. The farm have put the price per bale up by a whole 50p to £6. But I used only a tiny bit of the bale and have loads left. It's cost £12 a time to fill the hutch with hay these last few months, £12 once a week makes a very expensive hutch clean!
This morning when I went to give my piggies their breakfast, Betsy was fast asleep in a snuggle tube and obviously dreaming cos every so often she would squeak quietly and do a very small jump which was really cute. I thought I'd not disturb her as she was clearly having a nice snooze and so I shut the hutch door and put the Christian, Velvet and Meg in the run for the day. Then I heard Betsy giving Dennis a good telling off. He had woken her up and she was in a right grumpy mood. He looked really guilty and slunk off. I don't think he'll be doing that again in a hurry!