Best option?

My 2 piggies used to live in my garage. They didn’t mind the cooler temperatures as long as they are not damp and there are no draughts. A thick duvet over the hutch did the trick.

Once it got down to -10 outside and their water didn’t freeze.

If you give them a big pile of hay and also a snugglesafe in winter they will be fine. I’d really try and keep them as single piggies if I were you because if you get a new piggy they may fall out anyway in the future so you’d be back to square one. Better the devil you know.

It’s so hard making decisions for them. Just go with your heart as you don’t know what the future holds.
My 2 piggies used to live in my garage. They didn’t mind the cooler temperatures as long as they are not damp and there are no draughts. A thick duvet over the hutch did the trick.

Once it got down to -10 outside and their water didn’t freeze.

If you give them a big pile of hay and also a snugglesafe in winter they will be fine. I’d really try and keep them as single piggies if I were you because if you get a new piggy they may fall out anyway in the future so you’d be back to square one. Better the devil you know.

It’s so hard making decisions for them. Just go with your heart as you don’t know what the future holds.
I just don't know what to do. I want the best for both of them, I'm leaning towards putting one of them up for adoption, because I want them all to have the most space available and I want them both to have friends. I know side by side still counts, but having face to face interaction feels better for them.

And I love both of them very much but looking at the facts, needing two boarding pens, separate carriers and not being able to hold them together is a big thing for me. Yes these are simple to fix, but are still something that needs done.

I apologise for all my posts, and I am so thankful for all the advice and help but honestly my head just feels like its spinning.
I just don't know what to do. I want the best for both of them, I'm leaning towards putting one of them up for adoption, because I want them all to have the most space available and I want them both to have friends. I know side by side still counts, but having face to face interaction feels better for them.

And I love both of them very much but looking at the facts, needing two boarding pens, separate carriers and not being able to hold them together is a big thing for me. Yes these are simple to fix, but are still something that needs done.

I apologise for all my posts, and I am so thankful for all the advice and help but honestly my head just feels like its spinning.

You’ve got to do what feels right for you and for them.

I can only give you my experience of keeping two single boys side by side - and it has been rather easy - but my situation is different in that I have a specific shed and can make things work however I choose in there. (My husband isn’t particularly keen on animals but knows how much they mean to me so let’s me get on with it!)
I have made the decision to put Remi up for adoption. I just feel he deserves to have a friend to live with, as he’s constantly trying to be close to Reggie through the bars but Reggie just isn’t interested.

The rescue have agreed to do a sort of one in one out sort of agreement, I will drop Remi off and take Reggie to boar dating the same day.

It was such a hard decision to have to pick between them, but unfortunately as Remi is the younger boar and he’s also more of a talk at the side of the cage piggie, and Reggie loves a cuddle, I just have less of a bond with him. I’ve offered to cover any of his vets bills or a nuetering should it ever come to that, i’m also going to bring a few goodies for the rescue.
I love him so much I just hope he finds a new amazing life with someone who treats him like the king he is.

In the future, after Reggie hopefully finds forever friend, should they ever fall out I will go for the two hutches option. I don’t think I can go through this more than once!
I’m sorry you are having to make this difficult decision. But you are making it with their happiness at the heart of it. Good luck.