Benny – Forum Sponsor Piggy – Barc

benny and timmy.webp

I thought perhaps you would like to see me in my bachelor days before I got saddled with wifepigs.

This is me with my pal Timmy, who I quite liked until he grew up and then started to (ahem) hump me. I mean, the indignity of it all. So, we fell out, and then I had to visit the plum fairy. The rest is history as they say.

Don't I look a handsome chappie!
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Back Story
Benny arrived in the rescue 15/3/14 aged 2 years. He had been living alone in a hamster cage in a garage. He had sore eyes and was running with lice. Once healthy he was paired with 5 week old Timmy and put up for adoption in April 2014

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Despite some interest they were not chosen and unfortunately after 6months they had a massive fall out. Benny was adopted to be paired with Sandy in January 2015 but unfortunately this didn't work out either, Benny ended up being bitten..

The decision was made to neuter Benny in March 2015. Unfortunately he developed a lot of swelling post operatively and went on to get abscesses on both sides. They were initially treated with antibiotics. Benny had been reserved prior to surgery but due to his problems we had to keep him at the rescue.

On 6/4/2015 Benny suddenly became very unwell. He was rushed to the vet. He was limp and dehydrated, he had blood in hs urine. It was thought that an abscess had burst internally. He was given subcutaneous fluids, antibiotics, strong painkillers and gut stimulant. After a few days he started to improve and made a full recovery

Benny with Cubby, Marnie and Kiki, his girls, they were bonded on 26/4/15. We decided that Benny really didn't want to leave us!
Sadly Cubby died in December 2015

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On 13/5/2016 Benny (the pig with 9 lives) became unwell again with bloat type symptoms, he responded to pain relief and gut stimulants but then developed urinary symptoms. Ultra sound scan and X ray were normal, he was treated for a suspected urine infection. He recovered well after treatment.

On 4/9/16 Benny seemed unwell again, on examining him he was found to have a swollen toe on his right foot. The vet felt that it was a tourniquet type injury, hair had wrapped around the toe.R.i.p Rocky, Cubby And Betty
Unfortunately the toe had died so we treated him with painkillers and antibiotics. He has now fully recovered.
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Benny's story illustrates the costs of piggies kept as sanctuary pigs, he alone has cost the rescue hundreds of pounds. But isn't he worth it! He is a grumpy boy who secretly loves a head rub. He pop corns despite having a toe missing. He loves his girls and loves snoozing in the sunshine on the grass. What a survivor he is!

Thanks for reading my story - Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity
Benny your a brave soldier! X
So dear Benny has had to go to the vets, he has been slowly losing weight despite appearing quite well.
The vet found a lot of blood in his urine, there was no sign of a bladder stone so we are treating him with antibiotics for possible infection but so far he hasn't improved and is still losing weight.
He remains well but as grumpy as ever, rattling the bars if l am not quick enough with his dinner!
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So I don't know what all the fuss is about but the slave says I have to go to the vets tomorrow for a scan. Grrrr, all I want to do is sleep and eat GRASS! Lets hope the vet nurse is well trained in cavy slaving....

Oh Benny - you are a GORGEOUS guy :love:

.... and not a single poo in your pigture - your slave is AMAZING !
So Benny had his scan, and we are really none the wiser. He has a tiny stone in his bladder wall which explains the blood in his urine, but doesn't explain his significant weight loss. Blood tests were normal.
He remains well and active and although his weight is low it seems to have stabilized. So we are just watching for now.
Thankyou for all your support
I have some sad news. Benny suddenly became very weak yesterday and was unable to eat or drink. He was quite comfortable and fell into his forever sleep lying next to Kiki and Marnie.
I will post a tribute and more photos at some point soon. We at Barc are all feeling a bit sad at the moment, missing our grumpy boy.
Kiki and Marnie will take up the forum sponsorship and keep Benny's memory alive.
Thankyou for loving Benny and making him part of the forum family.