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Belle has heart disease

She’s so good at taking her meds. I’m so sorry to hear of all she has got going on with her. She’s in the best hands with you xx
Well, Belle is really not looking like herself today. She's not been interested in taking her meds or food in general, although she has had some.

Her breathing is very heavy and she's spent most of her time buried in her hay.

I have an emergency appointment at 14:30 today, and I'm anticipating I may have to let her go. 😥
We let the lovely Belle go this afternoon. She was clearly struggling with with her breathing and energy levels, and the vet confirmed he could hear her heart pounding over her lungs. She wasn't going to get any better and with the weekend coming up, I didn't want to leave it too late and have her suffer.

We gave her some grass before heading to the appointment which she happily snuffled down, and then we had some final cuddles before we handed her over to the vet.

The whole process was surprisingly quick and comforting, and Belle was relaxed and happy. I wish we'd had more time, but having had a few guineas pass away now, I'm confident I made the right call for Belle.



Oh Heather - I am so sorry that the deterioration was so sudden and that you didn't have longer together. I have no doubt that you made the right decision for her - it's such a hard decision to make, but you have spared her from any suffering. Huge hugs to you. Sleep tight, gorgeous Belle xx
So sorry to hear about Belle. You showed her your final act of love and helped her over the Rainbow Bridge. Sleep tight Belle.
I'm sorry to read this but you have done the best for Belle, in her short time with you she will have known she was loved. Sending you hugs 🥰
So sorry that you had to make that hard decision for Belle.
You gave her a wonderful life, filled with so much love.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
So sorry to hear this sad news about the lovely Belle. I’m glad it was as peaceful as possible and clearly she was in very caring hands. Take care.
Oh Heather, I’m so sorry, sending massive hugs and really hope you’re ok. She’s had such a brilliant time with you, just so sorry it wasn’t for longer for both of you :( She really was a sweetie and so utterly gorgeous ❤️ x
Sleep tight beautiful Belle ❤️❤️ xx
I'm so sorry to read this sad news.you did what was best for you and Belle.I'm just sad for you that you did not have more time together.🤗
I’m so sorry you have lost beautiful Belle. You made the right decision to help her over the bridge. Take care ❤️
I'm so sorry you had to let Belle go. 💔😭 I'm sure she had a great life with you, even though it's short. She felt all your love. Big hugs to you. :hug:

Popcorn free Belle. 🌈❤️