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Belle has heart disease


Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2018
Reaction score
My lovely Belle went to the vet on Friday for a health check-up as I noticed she'd lost a bit of weight, her breathing was a bit heavy at times, and she hadn't been devouring food with quite her usual gusto. Today, she went in for x-rays and an ultrasound, and the vet found quite a few things!

First off, she has an enlarged heart. Usually, they'd measure it, but due to the amount of fluid around it which is the reason for her heavy breathing, they were unable to do so. She'll therefore start some heart medication to make life a bit easier for her as there's no cure; it can only be managed.

Secondly, she has ovarian cysts which we expected anyway after her last appointment a month or so ago. Her uterine horns are also enlarged, but due to her age (she's ~5 years) and heart condition, she's highly unlikely to recover from a spay, so she'll start a course of hormone injections from today. She'll need two more doses 7-10 days apart, but whether these work is dependent on whether the cysts are caused by hormones.

Lastly, she has some sediment in her bladder. My piggos are already on filtered water and grain-free pellets, but I'll have to further limit Belle's veggie intake to just watery salad leaves like Romaine lettuce. Fortunately, those are her favourite anyway. :D

Ultimately, while none of these things are necessarily terminal, the chances are high that I'll have to make a decision to PTS when she no longer has quality of life. She's a very lovable and docile piggy, and I always anticipated on adopting her that our time together would be limited, so we'll make the most of the time she has left.




Goodness she is a beaut. Fingers crossed she surpasses all expectations and has many many happy todays to spend with you :)
Oh I’m so sorry Heather, poor beautiful Belle. Really hope she’s feeling better soon and the meds will help her feel more comfortable bless her :hug:
She’s got the best mum caring for her, really hope she’s got loads more happy time being spoilt rotten with you ❤️ x
Cleo sends a wonky kiss(!) and said she hopes you’re ok Aunty Heather :)😘 x
Aww. Belle is gorgeous. Hopefully the injections work and she can be more comfortable.
Hopefully the injections and meds will help to keep her comfortable and able to do piggy stuff for a while yet.
Aww Belle i hope that the meds make you feel better and you have lots more happy piggy days with your lovely hooman. ❤️
So sorry to hear your sad news about Belle, I hope she has lots and lots of happy times to come x
Oh I’m so sorry Heather, poor beautiful Belle. Really hope she’s feeling better soon and the meds will help her feel more comfortable bless her :hug:
She’s got the best mum caring for her, really hope she’s got loads more happy time being spoilt rotten with you ❤️ x
Cleo sends a wonky kiss(!) and said she hopes you’re ok Aunty Heather :)😘 x
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Hello gorgeous wonky girl! I send you some wonky kisses to you and your hooman too! 😄
Oh Belle, she's so gorgeous, at least you are prepared even though in the long run that won't make it easier. Hope the medication works well and gives her some good time, I love the last pic!
And here's the (financial) damage! It's actually cheaper than I thought; I was expecting a bill similar to the one I got for Jasmine's spay.



The Marbocyl is for any infection she may have related to her heart disease.

Frusol reduces fluid around the heart, and Vetmedin is taken in conjunction with it to support the heart and its function long-term.

Chorulon is the hormone injection for her ovarian cysts.

She's also still on Cisapride to support her gut (not mentioned on the sheet above).

All in all, none of these conditions are terminal; she's just not in the best of health. 🙂 It's just a case of managing her quality of life.
I have to use a rainbow of sharpies to label the 'thumb' bit of my syringes when someone has a selection. And make a notebook in case I muck it up and have to confess to the vet who got what and when!

When my piggies have more than one lot of drugs from the vet, I find it easier to put the initial of the drug on the label in a sharpie pen and the dosage so then I don't have to squint at the label all the time.
Hope you have many more happy todays with your beautiful Belle.
Poor little drugged up Belle, hope they don’t all taste too foul and her tummy doesn’t mind them either. Hope you feel better soon beautiful girl ❤️ x