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Okay thank you

Hi, my longhaired guinea pig Bellamy had lice which I discovered only days after bringing him home. The cause for the lice is unknown -possibly the stress of the new home and new friend? - I don't know for sure and the vet couldn't give me a definite cause especially as the setup (or at least what I saw of it) looked well kept. Luckily due to his dark skin I could see the small, white wriggling things on his rump so booked a vet appointment for that very afternoon for BOTH my boys as I knew it was highly likely my other boy now had lice also. (This isn't to say yours definitely have lice).

At the vet appointment, they did a scraping if both my boys and concluded definitely that it was indeed lice and Steve also had them though Bellamy was a bit more affected. They prescribed the best and appropriate spot on treatment (THIS IS WHY A VET IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE THE DOSE IS DIFFERENT FOR EACH PIG AND THEIR WEIGHT ETC. BELLAMY HAD A MUCH SMALLER DOSE THAN STEVE DUE TO SIZE). the spot on was to be administered every two weeks for a total of six weeks (though they did say that in some cases not all cases cleared up) and the vet visit for me and for my two boys cost £70 which I felt was pretty reasonable. Not to put you off but at least it's a figure that is entirely reasonable and perhaps show you the trip isn't going to cost the earth.

The lice cleared up by about the third/fourth week (though obviously I finished the course), cleaned their cage daily (though I do anyway) and now both boys are comfortable again.

Please, do see a vet. If it is lice it is easy to book an appointment and very easy for a vet to diagnose. It is going to cost less the quicker whatever it is is caught. :)
Okay thank you! I brought tea tree skin cream to stop the itchiness as one of my guineapigs don’t nesserly itch but the other does it a bit more and yesterday they were making lots of noise I will check them today but I will definitely take them to the vets if they don’t stop itching as my parents won’t let me unless they get worse which is stupid
Okay thank you

Okay thank you! I brought tea tree skin cream to stop the itchiness as one of my guineapigs don’t nesserly itch but the other does it a bit more and yesterday they were making lots of noise I will check them today but I will definitely take them to the vets if they don’t stop itching as my parents won’t let me unless they get worse which is stupid

I would suggest you stop wasting money on over the counter stuff that will only treat the symptoms not the cause, and spend it on a trip to the vets. You have been told what to do.

I am now closing this thread as there is nothing to be gained by us continually giving you the same advice and you not following it. Please do not start any new thread asking for advice on bathing, mites, lice, sores, bumblefoot, hair loss or any other health issue we have already advised upon until you have been to see a vet.
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